Sunday, November 20, 2011

My nephew has bad diaper rash to the extent where the skin bleeds help?

I used A %26amp; D not working.|||Triple Paste works wonders. Ask your pharmacist.|||Leave him w/out a diaper, maybe take him out on a blanket in the sun, poor thing needs to "air out a little"|||You might want to call the pediatrician, my son got a real bad rash once and the pediatrician prescribed him an ointment.|||Try to leave his bottom as dry as possible.

Leave it open to the air as often as you can. Even leave the diaper off for a time.

Frequent changes are good too, plain Corn Starch is good for butt rashes too.|||Letting him air out may help but aquaphor helps a lot. It even helps on chapped lips, chafed legs, and more. That should have his diaper rash cleared up within no time at all. My daughter was starting to get red so I put some on her and with the next diaper change there was no red at all. That should help!|||You need to let it air out, keep the diaper off for 15 minutes at a time. It may be messy but that is pretty severe. And do not use wipes, my aunt has raised 4 kids and babysat for years for a living. She says when it is that bad do NOT use wipes run their little butts under a faucet and pat it dry do not rub it. I also think that Vaseline works well. Some of the rash creams can actually burn the skin more, Vaseline simply works as a barrier to keep the pee and poop from touching the area. He should also be seen by a doctor for it. And sometimes what they are eating can cause it, I don't know his age but spaghetti sauce or tomato products can cause a lot of burning. My aunt is the one who told me about the airing out also and it did more good for my girls than anything else when they had a bad rash.|||If it's to the point that he's bleeding, you need to call the doctor. Generally, you should change his diaper at least every hour, use cotton balls and warm water instead of wipes, and use a cream like A%26amp;D or Desitin. The doctor can probably call in a prescription strength cream to your pharmacy without you having to go to the office. Also, Let him lay on a blanket or nap without a diaper to air out his bottom. Good Luck!|||My neice had this once; it was a yeast infection rash. He should be seen by a dr, and they'll prescribe an ointment for it.|||My son had wicked diaper rash every time he popped a tooth. It was awful, I tried all the different brands.

The pediatrician said to do this:

1. Wash the area completely with a soft wash cloth and warm water (add baby wash too if needed). Do not use baby wipes, they contain trace amounts of alcohol and burn.

2. Pat dry with a towel.

3. Cream on thickly either desitin or balmex (the very very thickest kind you can find) as thick as icing on a cake.

4. Change baby immediately after every poo and as soon as you can with every pee.

Any wetness in diaper will make the rash worse.

Do not put any other products on baby's open skin. No powders, cornstarch etc.

Keep this up for 3 days, if you don't notice an improvement, call your doctor.

(also keep eyes open for fever or worsening of the skin...could be something else, like a yeast infection.)|||Burt's Bees has one of the best diaper ointments we have used. It smells really good as well. When my daughter gets a diaper rash, this takes care of it pretty quickly. I highly recommend it.|||I'd suggest taking him to a doctor if its cracked and bleeding. That may not be a normal diaper rash. He could have a yeast infection (especially if breast fed) Or it could be ezcema or psoriasis.

He may be having a reaction to the brand of diapers used also.

In m experience aveeno diaper rash cream works wonders.

Make sure you are using sensitive wipes, as other will on further irritation. He needs time to have his little bottom aired out, try laying him on the floor on a towel ( to prevent accidents) for a while.|||let him run around naked for a bit the air will do wonders|||When my daughters had a really bad rash we used vitamin e on their bottoms. We always kept a big bottle on the changing table and used it at the 1st sign of diaper rash. It worked better then any creams that we tried. Just prick the capsules with a pin and squeeze it onto baby's bottom. It's messy but it really works.

Good luck|||Take him to the Dr. It might be an infection. My son got a yeast infection once.|||my baby had a rash that bled when he came home from the hospital. the only thing that would help was plain old vaseline. all the other diaper rash stuff made it worse. after i put the vaseline on it cleared up really fast. just don't use baby wipes and let him get some air to his butt.

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