Sunday, November 20, 2011

I have a new yorky,she has been with me 2week ,she has like a skin problem ,do you think its rash?

i breed yorkies.....what does it look like? e=mail me some details i have seen it all......i have 6 of them. being in a new house they are nervous and that can cause a rash like and hair loss......let me know|||If you've had her 2 weeks, have you taken her to the vet for a check up yet?

My vet likes to see new pets soon after adoption to get baseline measurements and look them over.

I wouldn't put much stock in answers you get here, you really need to take her to the vet.|||No one on here is going to be able to tell you what kind of skin problem your dog has with out seeing it...even still, it would be just a guess.

Take the dog to the vet and have them check the dog out. If this is a puppy you bought from a breeder, then if the skin problem is anything genetic, or deemed to be something that the puppy had when it was sold to you, then you need to contact the breeder and him/her needs to set things right with you. Any reputable breeder will stand behind their puppies if it has a genetic problem...most breeders guarantee their pups for life.|||vet--- she could have a parasite inside of her so good advice go to a vet and just have her checked|||Take her to the vet it might be something.

1 comment:

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