Saturday, July 24, 2010

Can diabetes two cause a skin rash?

both arms and legs|||No, it cannot cause a rash. It is more likely caused by a medication you are taking, or something you ingested or came into contact recently.

Get in contact with your Dr. or pharmacist. My two cents.


BSc. Pharmacy, PharmD|||yes it can. Just ask your doctor for some type of medicine to put on your rash to help it heal.|||diabetis can cause dry and ichy skin if you do not keep your blood sugar level. Check with your doctor though as it could be something else.|||My father has this disease, and it most definately can cause dematological problems, like dry skin, rashes,lesions, etc. For a more concise answer consult with a health care professional.|||Diabetes does not cause a skin rash. Complications of diabetes can. You could have dry skin. You could be having a reaction to medication you are taking.|||Butterfly is correct, the intch come from the medications he take for diabitis.

They got a commecial going on now that men who have diabitis or hi blood presure could develop a nother illness that leave your sex drive dead. Its not diabitis or hi blood presure that cause disfuntional penis... its the medication they take for diabitis and hi blood presure that causes the sex problem...

You take one medicine and you got to take another for the side affects.... and the pharmaceutical get richer :-]

good luck|||Not exactly, but it can make you more suseptible.|||Diabetes causes the followig skin conditions: a) Specific lesions: Diabetic dermopathy (spotted leg syndrome),necrobiosis, liopoidica diabeticorum, and bullous diabeticorum, Granulama annulare b) others: Pruritis vulva, boils and carbuncles, xanthamatosis, and xanthoma diabeticorum , dermatitis gangerenosa.

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