Thursday, July 22, 2010

Skin rash that has moved to the face feels lumpy and hot to the touch. Not unwell and no temprature?

Does any one have any answers for this one. I really am stuck. My nine year old has had these symptoms for 5 days. As she is not in pain and has no temprature i am told not to worry, but it is not improving. Any suggestions?|||If the rash is changing then you really should go back to the doctor again. I have no idea of what it might be...sorry|||i'm probably far off but it could be meningitis or does the rash only show in your arms.

Theres a test with a glass you can do to see if its a meningitis rash but i've forgot, look for it on google|||Take to doctor asap|||sounds like the reaction i have when i get around something i am allergic to. try some benadryl cream and see if it helps. Apply it several times a day to the areas that are affected. If it is still there after about another week take her to a doctor.

it could be thousands of things causing an allergic reaction. foods, laundry detergent, something new in your home, perfume, deodorant, etc.....

i hope this helps, good luck!|||I didn't realize this was a child. I would take her to the doctor immediately if its been going on this long.|||Although you need to get it checked out it really DOESN'T sound like meningitis to me. I had something similar a few years ago, and the doctor reckoned it was an allergic reaction to something: probably a pollen I hadn't encountered before. I was prescribed an anti-hystemine and a topical cream, and it cleared up quickly. I never felt unwell either, but my face did discolour and go quite puffy. Best to get it checked out, though.|||its probibly childhood exzema but take her to the docs just in case|||try piriton it could be a reaction to some thing|||No its not meningitis! Sounds like an allergic reaction to something your daughter is eating, washing with or wearing. If you are still worried ask a pharmacist or go back to your doctor.

ps. Meningitis is not lumpy and your child would have other symptoms if this was the case.|||i had a skin rash few weeks ago i was ready to go insane as my rash was itchy, i went to see my GP who said it was a reaction to something i had eaten or maybe a lotion i had used,he prescribed antihistamines, they did work after about two weeks, my rash has gone,i do sympathise with you

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