Thursday, July 22, 2010

I have s skin rash on my legs and don't seem know what it is it is real itchey and is red bumbs.?

need more info sorry. go to a doctor thou probaly|||okay,

that happened to me last week.

just take benadryl and cover yourself in calamine lotion.

it will be gone in 3 days.

dont worry

:)|||First thing i would do is go get some Hydrocortisone 1% cream at your local drugstore or grocery store. Hydrocortisone cream is a weak corticosteroid that suppresses the skin's ability to react and become inflamed.

I would also take some benadryl (you can use the benadryl cream but the pill will work better) as this is an antihistimine. If you take the pill make sure you're not going anywhere or doing anything that requires a heighten state of alertness because you will become drowsy.

Your skin has come into contact with something that it is allergic to or has cauesd the skin to become irritated. Wear long sleeves and long pants until it clears up because you don't want the to become worse if it was something you came into contact with. Also take two showers a day (apply he hydrocortisone cream after each shower) because keeping the area clean will prevent bacteria from growing on the area and causing more irritation. Hope this helps, stay healthy.|||See the source below for plenty of skin rash information.

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