Saturday, July 24, 2010

What are some simple home remedies for an itchy skin rash?

make a paste with either cornstarch or baking soda %26amp; smooth over skin. Leave on until it begins to dry.


Soak in a luke-warm oatmeal bath. they sell Aveeno bath but you can do this with regular oatmeal that you grind in a coffee grinder.||||||get a frozen bag of vegtables or anything frozen really and put it on the rash and the rash will stop itching|||DEPENDING ON WHY YOU ARE ITCHY,a bath in Aveeno , calamine lotion, body lotion with aloe, no alcohol,it dries the skin,|||Try bathing with Aveno. You may get this at the grocery or drug store. Benedryl gel or lotion also work well. You may also take Benedryl in capsule form. Corn meal sometimes is good too. Make a paste or simply put on your skin. Most importantly, try not to scratch it because it will feel worse and may become infected. Also, try not to get too warm as this will increase the sensation. Good luck.|||Oatmeal or chamomile tea bags to soothe the swelling. Depending on what caused the rash...meat tenderizer (for bee stings) or aloe (for relief from burning/dry skin rash).|||The surest and certain remedy is applying alum solution on the itchy skin . I directly dip the alum crystal in water and apply it to my skin and the itch %26amp; the rash due to scratching goes away in 3 to 4 days time. Note it may burn slightly if you have scratched and bruised your skin but it does not matter the itch would stop immediately and the cure take place slowly.|||There are many remedies that you have in your pantry. Oatmeal, Olive Oil, Milk, Yogurt, Avacadoes, and Bananas to name a few.

Here are the recepies:

Oatmeal: grind in a coffee grinder or blender if you do not have a grinder. Place the oats in cheesecloth or wrap it in a hand towel and run it under water... warm but not too hot, as hot water dries out skin! If you can get some Calendula petals from the local Health Food store... they are a wound healer and skin conditioner, blend them with the oatmeal!

Extra-virgin Olive oil: The properties of this oil are deep penetrating and quick! Rub this on your skin or add it to a warm bath.

Salt - Sea, Kosher or Table: Sea is the best, then Kosher ... use table if that is all you have! Two cups to cool bath water and you will NOT want to get out! Salt is a skin softener! There is a old wives tale about curing any skin rash or wound by swimming in the sea. This is so true... Sea salt works wonders!

Milk and Yogurt will soften skin... add powdered or liquid milk to bath... mix yogurt with ground oats rub on skin... softs

Avacodo and bananas heal skin problems... pulp and apply as a


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