Saturday, July 24, 2010

When i shave why do i get skin rash, burns, cut skin with blood spots?

Your skin is not even, and when the razor goes over it, it "shaves" the top layer of skin off.

Try the "Bump Guard" razor, or get an electric. The trick to the electric is that you have to use it EVERY day. There are very few electric razors out there that will take off more than a day's growth.|||THROW AWAY YOUR CRAPPY RAZOR AND BUY AN EXPENSIVE ONE. DISPOSABLE RAZORS DO THAT TO SENSATIVE SKIN. ALSO DON'T USE ELECTRIVE SHAVERS, THEY DO THAT TOO. SPEND AT LEAST $20.00 ON A GOOD RAZOR.|||you need a mach3 or m3 power. my guess is that you have a single bladed razor and you're actually pulling out the hair without realizing it...|||It could be due to several reasons

your razor is blunt

you're using cold water which causes the skin pores to tighten

you have sensitive skin

you're shaving against the skin grain

you're pressing too hard

When shaving,

splash your face with warm water to open the pores and soften the facial hairs

Use shaving foam or gel

Get a good safety razor like Gillette

Don't press too hard on the razor when moving it across your skin

If all else fails, get an electric razor|||What are you shaving with? If you like a hand razor, use good blades, like Gilette Atra, make sure they are clean. Use good shaving cream, like Noxema. Wet your face before using shaving cream or foam. Shave after taking a shower or soaking your face with hot, wet towels. Take your time, use slow, easy strokes.

If you use an electric shaver, don't. Too hard to keep them clean. The cutting heads get dull.

If your problem persists, see a dermatoligist. You may be allergic to something, causing a rash, which gets sliced off by a razor blade.|||Because you are proberbly not doing it properly.

Shave against the hair growth, change your blade reguarly, clean in luke warm water between strokes an try using a shaving oil rather than a cream or foam.

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