Yes from what I've heard on TV documentaries. The users are covered in sores because of scratching at the crawly feeling the drug gives them. It's a poison to your body and you should get help to quit.|||Yes, it wreaks havoc on the skin. Cysts and rashes are common, which are aggravated because when a tweeker finds something like that, they're more inclined to "poke" at it, making the skin worse.
If you get high and find this is a problem, try to remember to wash your hands both before and after touching any skin lesions.|||That's what I hear. I clean and repair houses for a living and I cleaned one that was a meth lab, and now I've been getting rashes and welts.|||I wouldn't doubt it. A rash would be the least of my worries though!!
Common immediate side effects:
* Euphoria
* Increased energy and attentiveness
* Diarrhea, nausea
* Loss of appetite, insomnia, tremor, jaw-clenching (Bruxism)
* Agitation, compulsive fascination with repetitive tasks (Punding)
* Talkativeness, irritability, panic attacks
* Increased libido
* Dilated pupils
Side effects associated with chronic use:
* Drug craving
* Weight loss
* Withdrawal-related depression and anhedonia
* Rapid tooth decay ("meth mouth")
* Amphetamine psychosis
Side effects associated with overdose:
* Brain damage (Neurotoxicity)
* Formication (sensation of flesh crawling with bugs, with possible associated compulsive picking and infecting sores)
* Paranoia, delusions, hallucinations
* Kidney damage (from Hyperkalemia)|||Yes, look at how horrible these people look after using meth:|||Yes !|||Yes. When you use crystal meth one of the ways it gets out of your system is through your pores in your skin. It causes your skin to become very oily and you break out. Most meth users have a bad habit of picking at their skin, causing the breakouts to get worse and causing breakouts to turn into large open sores on the skin. Rashes could be because of an allergic reaction or if you are injecting meth.
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