Thursday, July 22, 2010

What would a skin rash look like if a baby had an allergic reaction to a new food?

My baby has two white bumps. The bumps are surrounded by a red area that is smooth and flat and little red spots surrounding the bump. He is acting fine, but if not gone tomorrow, I will ask the doctor. Just wondering if anybody knows! He is almost 5 months old.|||That sounds like he had an allergic reaction to something. It could have been something that he ate, or something that he had skin contact with (such as a chemical, grass, or pet hair).|||Yes, it very well could be the carpet shampoo! At 5 months old, many babies still have very sensitive skin. It's possible that it wasn't really an ALLERGIC reaction, as much as it was a skin irritation. Glad that I could help out! Report It
||| pimples|||almost like lil baby exemia depending on the reaction to the food.|||Purple and pink ,the white bumps are just diaper rash?I have a baby girl named charlett so I should know!|||Allergic reaction to new foods with baby usually start arount the mouth of the baby. If the bumps came in eating the same thing for one week, its possible your child is allergic to that food.

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