Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Ever heard of a skin discoloration or rash like this?

I'm just curious as to whether anyone knows any information about this type of rash or skin discoloration. Approximately four days ago, my husband and I noticed he had a small patch of discolored skin on his lower abdomen. It was sort of shaped like an eye--bigger in the middle, tapering almost to points on both edges. It is red around the edges and it is basically his normal skin color in the middle. It is maybe an inch across. Over the past few days, he has developed more of them--at last count he had four, they go up his torso to about his chest. Anyone have any idea what this is?

We haven't changed laundry soaps or shampoos or anything lately, he hasn't really spent time anywhere he could have been exposed to a plant that would cause a reaction, and I'm not developing any of them, which makes us suspect it might not be contagious.

He has a dr. appt., but I was just curious if anyone has any ideas...|||Sounds like ringworm, which is not a worm at all but a rash...do get it looked at it spreads...and is contagious...put aloe vera on it and it will draw out the poisons...hope it helps|||I'm not diagnosing -- just wondered if Lyme Disease is a possibility?

Information on the signs and symptoms is below:

http://pain.health.ivillage.com/infectio...|||It is a skin fungi called ringworm. He should see a doctor as it has to be treated internally with medicine.

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