Monday, August 23, 2010

I usually have perfect skin but lately ive had this rash or something, tips?

so near the bottomish cheek/kind of chin area on mostly my left side my skin feels like a liittle bumpy but not like acne and u cant see anything but i can feel it. its kind of on my upper cheeks too a little now. it feels like i didnt rinse my face after my daily pore cleanser with microscrubbers. help?|||it's probably inflamed/irritated hair follicles or pores. The cleanser may be too harsh. You shouldn't use micro scrubbers with inflammation. Try witch hazel or a gentle soap like ivory with no scented chemicals. If that doesn't work, just a few days washing with water only. Keep your hair tied back away from face too,hair sprays,conditioners and so forth can contribute.|||thank you so much for answering you help a lot Report It
|||Sounds like you're reacting to something like a product, hair product, a sweater near your face, etc... Exfoliating and calming is what you need to do. Use a gentle scrub, nothing too harsh, and then use a soothing skin cream. Not a thick vasaline type product, but one that will calm the skin.|||GET FACE CREAM|||have you maybe eaten something new or unusual that maybe causing a reaction?

My whole face skin peels off so flaky&itchy&rash too, no cream can help. What should i do?

My skin problem happened a month ago after I ran out of medication as I moved from Thailand to England. I used to apply L.A.G. cream on my face as my Thai doctor told me to. She refused to tell me its chemical name, only said there's lots of ingredients. She told me I had dry skin problem and this medicine'll help reduce the flakes. I was surprised cuz my skin didn't look that bad at all but I believed her and used it.

I have no allergy record but my skin is peeling noticeably, worse than before I used the medicine. When i touch it, the flakes fall all over. I also feel the whole face is stretched all the time (the feeling on the face after u wash your face with strong soap). It's also itchy and red all the time. Now, I start having red spots in the same area, too.

I didn't use face wash product at all after this occured. I've tried various kinds of moisturisers e.g. water based, gel+cream based, green tea extract, or even those anti-aging with SPF 15. None helped.

Pls help!|||Try an antifungal cream - Lotrimin or clotrimazole, on a small patch. If it has a beneficial effect, you may have eczema, which can be caused by candida (yeast) fungus.

You may want to read some basic info about yeast syndromes at - the yeast link, before you do anything.

If you go to a dermatologist, ask him/her to test for the yeast fungus.|||I have two suggestions for you to try:

1) Aveeno lotion - made with collodial oatmeal and it really helped me

2) 100% pure Aloe Vera Gel. You can buy this at the Drugstore or Trader Joe's if you have it.

You can order these both from or too|||I wouldn't use anything if the person giving it to me refused to tell me what was in it in the first place. Maybe you should see a Dermatologist.|||did you try proactive my sister has it and it works|||Wash your face with an organic soap that has olive oil, lavender or aloe vera. Then use organic aloe vera gel at night. Leave the gel on as a mask overnight. It flakes overnight but it works to clear up the skin. Sometimes I also leave a light layer on my face as moisturizer.|||Go see a dermatologist right away, and describe to the doctor what the thai Dr. gave to you. Sounds like it really messed your skin up. Well once you get it resolved use keri lotion works great. I have very sensitive,dry, red skin it burned 1-2 days and now my skin feels great.

Red rash on my dogs skin?


I have a cross breed of German Sheperd and Labrador. He is 12 yrs old now. Couple of weeks back he started having hair loss in patches on his back for which we gave him some medicines and he is recovering from that now.

But now he has got red rashes all around his testicals. Its turned all red and it itches him a lot. Also it oozes some colorless fluid too at times.

Can someone help me know what problem he is facing and any cure for it.


Aldo|||my grandmas dog had the same problem.

it was actually allergies to something, maybe like flea medicine?? started at the shoulders and moved down. he got scabs from it. but he got medication, dont know what it was called. but it wasnt a huge deal.|||Aldo,

He maybe having an allegic reaction or he may have a skin infection. You should take him to the vet and have it checked.|||has anything changed in your home lately? such as wash the carpets and not rinsed them in an area where your dog often sits? this may be causing a skin irriation, just logically fix it, i.e. rinse the carpet. If you can't think of anything or the rash doesnt clear up within a weak of the fixing consult your vet|||Were these "medicines" by any chance home remedies or over-the-counter stuff? If so, you could have made it worse. Take him to the vet!

What is this rash on the cat's skin?

She has these grey/black lumps on her skin, paw/chin/bum. She's had one before over her eye and it was just gone after two three days but there are lots now. Are they bugs under the skin or bites? Do we need to do something or just let it be like the first time?|||Even a vet wouldn't attempt a diagnosis like this, we can't see your pets and can't do any tests. Take your pet to the vet and if you're lucky it'll be something straightforward like ticks.

Even if someone else's pet has a similar sounding problem it may not be identical. Don't mess about with advice from 10 different people and 10 different home remedies, just go to the vet.

Skin mites burrow into the skin and yes, you may be able to see them. They need veterinary treatment.|||go see a vet it could be bad for your cats health|||Take to vet ask a vet to be sure|||ah i just read your answers as i was hoping someone might tell you what they were and if any the treatment for it as my dog as the same problem they dont seem to bother him though and as you said there under the skin so they cant be mites as they are visauble from the outside of the skin yes he,s had these before so if you get any positive answers let me know please :-) cheers|||Your cat might have a skin problem do bring her to a vet to check it out or u might wanna find ur answer from

if u cant get any answers at all.|||sounds like she has either an allergy, fleas can cause an allegy in some cats, take her to the vets anyway as the only action really is to get treatment sooner better than later. It the sores are open try a VERY weak solution of warm salty water gently bathed over affected areas.|||Could be a flea or tick bites but check at the vet for your cat health|||It sounds like your cat might have mites, or tics and a really bad case of them at that you should take her to the vet for treatment.|||I've always had cats, and one of my favourites no longer with me, was allergic to fleas. The bites would appear like you have described, hard and scabby, and I would know to treat all of the cats then. Buy a flea collar and see if the problem disappears in a week to 10 days. If your cat appears otherwise healthy and is eating properly, dont panic, but if the problem doesnt go away, its time to write a cheque for the vet. good luck|||There are many things which could cause this; flea allergy, mites under the skin, ticks, insect bites, food allergies; whatever it is, DONT just "wait for it to go away" How would you like it if some maggots were burrowing under your skin and the doc said "wait for it to go away"? Whatever is is, your cat is in pain and discomfort- just because it cant say "Ouch, it hurts" doesnt meean he is fine!! Get him to a vet, fast. Home remedies do not work, and all the while you are trying them, your cat is in pain and the condition is getting worse. SICK CATS NEED VETS%26gt;|||Sounds like ticks to me. They burrow their head under the skin and feed on the blood getting larger and larger. When they have had enough they just drop off. Don't try to pull them off or the head gets left behind and gets infected. Cats pick them up in the garden and there isn't a lot you can do to stop them apart from using something like Frontline. If in doubt always ask your vet.|||could be little flea bites and have been itching badly by thier claws when they scratch

My wife has a rash on her upper thigh, skin is peeling too what is it?

Its kinda a bumpy rash inside her thigh near her vigina. She wont go to dr or clean it regular. It seems to be getting worse. She is a big woman.|||Considering she is a bigger woman, and the location of the rash...this is probably heat rash (you can google it) or a type of fungus that is growing. On the other hand, if your wife is promiscuous then it could be some kind of STD since it is so close to her vagina. Its gross that she won't clean it (which is probably why she has it to begin with). It is stupid that she won't go to the doctor. If I were you, I'd refuse to be intimate with her or even sleep in the same bed with her (where you could rub up against that rash) until she goes to the doctor. If she doesn't its only going to get worse, painful, and probably spread. Good luck.|||maybe thrush... see the doctor|||big people often have problems with skin rubbing between the legs, she may be very embarassed, try to be sensitive about it, baby powder can help reduce friction.

Has anyone heard that dairy can irritate skin and cause acne/rash?

Absolutely, yes! My specialist told me that 100% of people over the age of 4 years are lactose intolerant. Some don't have symptoms or they have another disorder directly related which goes undiagnosed as lactose intolerance.

If you think about it, cows milk is designed for baby cows. It takes them up to a ton of weight in a few short years!

Milk has a lot of benefits as far as vitamins go, but I choose to supplement my diet with good quality supplements and eliminate all of the other problems milk was creating.|||Yes. It also causes increased muscus production.|||Actually Dairy especailly Skim Milk, can cause terrible acne, it is even worse then chocolate|||yeah if u are allergic to dairy products..please see an allergist for evaluation|||Very possible. Sugar does as well. Replace with Stevia and Calcium Citrate 500 mg per day (along with magnesium and zinc 10 mg if you want the calcium supported)

Dairy causes lung irritation and asthma.

For direct application, put a few to some drops of Essential Oil of Carrot Seed and put in your daily creme or lotion, or go to and get their carrot day creme.|||It sounds like you might have a allergic reaction to it!!!|||

Is there any remedies for itchy skin that works/no rash?

My grandmother has had an itchy back for weeks and nothing is working? She has tried alcohol, peroxide, an oatmeal bath, cetaphil lotion, epsom salt, and coco butter and nothing has worked. Any suggestions, over the counter or medication?Thanks.|||Try some sunburn lotion. I know it says it's for sunburn but it helps with itch too. The kind I use is Ocean Potion. It has lidocane and aloe. (lidocane is what you get at the dentist)

It really helps to calm the itch a lot. It's approx $4.00 a bottle. I get it at Wal Mart if there is one near you.|||Have you tried the Aveeno Anti-Itch lotion?|||go to a pharmacy and ask they can help you if it is not a doctor.|||I know! I have that same problem and nothing seems to work.she needs willpower to not itch it and also,try rubbing some ice on the parts that are will cool it down...and if she can rub an actual ice on it,then try putting an ice pack wrapped in a small towel and compressing it to the areas of itching.|||trya baking soda bath or even pastign on bakingsoda onthe itching areas .

good luck|||cortazone!!!!!! works for everything|||why is her back itchy? does she have dry skin? maybe she should exfoliate and then use some plain old baby oil.|||She is probably not getting enough omega 3 oils in her diet. And then she can try the herb marshmallow to help retain moisture within, especially useful after menopause.

An excellent external topical treatment for dry skin is Emu oil. It penetrates very deeply into the skin. You would mix that in with a carrier lotion or oil. That is also really great for dry cracked feet, or sunburn. It also has healing, non-inflammatory properties (for rash's).

Would you rather have your skin covered in itchy rash or listen to Barry Manilow belt out a love song?

Ooooooh Baby, Barry gives me the goose bumps. I do like me some Barry! He makes my pants dance!


(There....try getting rid of that image. hahahahahaaha)|||already have the rash|||Listen to Barry Manilow. I like his voice.|||I'd listen to Barry Manilow.

*shivers*|||just one song? i'd listen to him... i don't want a rash|||Um, I'll go with Barry on this one!|||the second one|||I love Barry Manilow.|||I'd go with the Barry Manilow song!|||I'd rather eat my own flesh with a grapefruit spoon, than listen to Manilow.|||I'll take Barry!|||At least with the rash you can take Benadryl. It beats barfing!|||Barry Manilow|||barry manilow|||the song because it would make me laugh and it will be over a rash takes longer to go away.|||Wow! You ARE into torture, aren't you? I guess I would have to choose the Barry Manilow song though, because it would get over with sooner...probably...|||I'll take the rash. It will go away eventually. Barney Bungalow seems to go on forever.|||Barry Manilow. You can always cover your ears|||hey!!!! I like Barry Manilow!!!!|||BARRY|||Barry Manilow... i can't stand being itchy =/|||Barry manilow, it will be shorter time span.|||I'd rather have the the rash on my inside thigh, next to my 'nads, than have to listen to him!!|||ITCHY RASH!!!!!|||Totally listen to Barry Manilow|||I'd take the rash. No one, and I mean NO ONE makes me listen to stupid love songs!|||listen to Barry Manilo. i hate itching|||Bring on the best of Barry any day! itching is awful but we could always do a bit of scratching on MC Manilow.

....and I'd happily have the Carpenters for desert!|||i had an itchy rash and it was not fun so i will go with....................................... Manilow!!!!!!! what kinda question is that?????????????|||My Grandma loves Barry Manilow, so his songs remind me of her-- so I can tolerate it out of my love for her.

So I vote for Barry.|||I'm a Fanilow.

After using baby oil to treat dry skin, I devolped a rash and I am looking for a treatment to get rid of it.?

Take Benadryl (by mouth) and apply hydrocortisone cream. And next time stay away from the baby oil.|||Aveeno lotion will help get rid of the rash. It has oatmeal in it and is found at Wal-mart or local drugstore.|||baby oil has petroleum, find a product with dimethacone--that what we used on my babies when they had rash; and on my mom when her confinement to bed from paralysis caused rash from skin "rot". Johnson's makes a baby cream with dimethacone, but sometimes you have to ask the pharmacist to order it from his/her jobber. It really makes a diff.

What are the different kinds of skin rashes a person can get in the HEAT?

I am having some skin irritation problems anyway, but I am noticing extra-itchy forearms in this very hot weather. (Also a red spotty rash) Also I do know that body creases are more prone to heat rashes. Who has advice or knowledge?|||best advice is to stay out the heat or at least direct sunlight if u can. u can get little red bumps which is a rash from the heat or u could get big red boils from the heat.....dont itch the rash it makes it so much worse, go to the local store and buy anti itching cream or aloe vera works good and put that on, until u can get to the store for something, wet a washcloth with very cold water, and dab it on the rash....will make it feel better.|||I tried the Gold Bond spray, cooled the area and calmed the bumps a bit. Mine was really itchy so I took Benadryl and used Lantacort(?) anti itch cortisone cream, cut the toes off some socks, and wore that to bed. After a couple of days, I used the Gold Bond powder (I sound like my Grandma). Try that in the creases if it's feasible. I carry around pre-moistened towelettes, too, because I'm prone to surface bacterial infections (yum).

My co-worker from Georgia says the key is to keep it dry.|||Heat rash treatments are generally quite basic and include cooling the skin and body and keeping the affected skin areas dry. Cool showers and light loose fitting clothing will help. In addition, staying out of the sun would also be a good idea. Seeking an air-conditioned environment is beneficial. In many cases, the prickly rash will disappear on its own in a short amount of time, if the basic advice given above is followed. Calamine lotion can soothe the itch, but avoid any oil-based products because these may lead to additional skin pore clogging and prevent the heat rash healing process from occurring.

Are hot or cold showers better for your skin if you have a rash?

I have this horrable rash all over my upper body and figured that either a really hot or really cold shower would be better for it and help soothe the pain.... which one? also do baking soda baths help? if so... how do i do it?|||you should go to a dermatologist if it persists. a cool shower is best|||Hot or cold may irritate depending on why you have the rash.|||If you have a rash, a hot shower will make it worse because it dries your skin out. A quick, cool shower is best, and then apply a good lotion immediately afterward.

My skin on my back hurts but there is no marks or rash?

the past 6 months i have noticed the skin on my back feels irritated when it is touched and lately it feels like it has spread down to the top of my butt. it is hard for me to lay on my back when i sleep and be touched. there are NO marks or rashes and it feels like it is right under my skin. i dont know if this matters but i had my whole thyoid removed in 04. somebody please any suggestions!|||I wish I could help, but I have no idea. Maybe an infection under your skin?? I would probably see both a dermatologist as well as your primary care physician.|||If its been going on for six months you need to see a doctor, it could be you just have a muscular strain, which will linger is not rested, or it could be a pinched nerve, herniated disc. Its been to long of a time to correlate your thyroidectomy with this pain, it sounds more like an inflammation of of sorts, take some motrin 600mg if your around 130-140 lbs, or 800mg if your 170-190lbs. But see a doctor some time within the next two weeks

Oil of oregano on skin rashes?

can u put oil of oregano on your skin to get rid of a rash? i heard it works similiar to tea tree oil? will it burn and dry out your skin? or will it actually work? i am very curious i have a rash on my face and allergic to most skin things.....|||it might burn so be careful. Mix it with something like olive oil to dilute it. Dap with a q-tip to see how it feels first,|||try Benedryl cream and a visit to your doctor.

Boston Terrier constantly scratches, skin very broken out with rash.?

My 13 yr. old female Boston Terrier began itching and breaking out all over her body approx. 2 yr. ago. I have taken her to the Vet. many times and he has checked her for any skin disease or parracites and none were found. He told me she had developed allergies. We have even had her on Antibiotics due to the odor she develops from the constant scratching. She rubs against anything that will scratch the itch. She especially likes the hearth of the fireplace that sticks out just over her back. I have tried different foods, shampoos, etc. but nothing seems to help. I have even tried rincing her with Colloidal Silver (natural antibiotic) after her bath.

She acts so misserable. Does anyone have a solution or experience with the same condition?|||The itching is probably worse during tree pollen time. This is very common with pedigree dogs because the inbreeding it took to get them a certain way broke down some of their natural workings.

You can give your dog a benadryl. It sounds like it should be about the weight of a 10 year old child so use child doses. This will give your dog a great deal of relief.

You might want to bathe it in anti itch shampoos once a week during high pollen times. You can go to the weather channel online and check the pollen count to see if it is trees, grass, or food pollens that bother it the most.

If you find it is in trouble year round, you might want to get a mold kit from Menards and test your house. Many homes have molds and the owners don't even know! I tested my house and found 5 different types in the test dish.

We removed the carpets, sealed the floors, laid new mold resistant padding and then laminate flooring. We used Kilz paint in the whole house and used TSP on the walls and floors before painting. We also added mold retardant to the final paint. I made sure our gutters are cleaned four times a year (we live in the woods) and we releveled the yard to make sure water goes away from the house.

Still, with the matteress in an allergy bag and no curtains, only blinds, I have some troubles with allergies but nothing like it was.

Now, its only when the tree pollen is high that I have trouble. But, if I walk into a house with mold, I get an instant migrain.

I hope this info helps. I am surprised the vet didn't put your pet on hydrocortazone shots and benadryl pills.|||It is best to find out the source of the itch and treat it. But since It seems like you already tried then you can relieve your pet's itch with calomine lotion or an over the counter spray or lotion corticosteroid. Sometimes adding vitamins such as vitamin C, Vitamin E, selenium and zinc will help (ask your veterinarian for the correct dose for your dog) or adding one teaspoon of safflower oil to your dog's food daily. I hope one of these help!|||Is it possible that she is allergic to some type of floor cleaner? I've had this happen a few times with different dogs.|||my dog had a problem like that and she was allergic to the grass|||had the same problem with my dog so i tried using suda cream for nappy rash no more scratching she seems's so much happier. try any nappy rash cream. good luck.|||We had a golden retriever that developed the same allergy problem and it got to the point he was losing hair getting scaly skin and there began to be this horrid odor. We tried giving him children's benedryl our vet said it was ok and that brought down some of the swelling. Also with the hot spot we'd put an ice pack on with the poor guy and it seemed to do the trick. Also you may want to switch foods we found out that he needed an all natural food and that he developed a food allergy which is similar to when a person breaks out in hives. try it , it may be a food allergy|||I have the same problem. Vet says nothing is wrong, tried all shampoos but nothing helps. His little nub of a tail looks awful where he is constantly licking and biting to get rid of the itch. He has very dry skin. We have a friend who just recently told me to try putting baby oil in his bath water.|||My Boston had a similar problem, her skin was all itchy and irritated, especially in her armpits on her front and hind legs [or should I say legpits??]. The vet said her skin was getting too dry, because it was summer. She developed an inflamation from all the scratching and had to take antibiotics for a while. We started to give her fish oil with vitamin E supplements daily, and her condition improved a lot after a few weeks of taking fish oil. Now we switched to these pills Skin %26amp; Coat Support from PetNaturals, they contain vitamin E and fatty acids and don't smell half as bad as raw fish oil does. She still scratches occasionally but much much less now, not to the point that she gets sick from it.

Also when she was scratching a lot we used to spray the areas she was scratching with Dermoplast [antibacterial pain relieving spray], in order to relief her itching and reduce her risk of getting an infection. And the vet prescribed her some shampoo that was supposed to moisturize her skin.

Hope it helps :)|||consult the skin care doctor why you are in internet

What can cause ankles to itch? there is no visible rash or dry skin..?

maybe try washing them with Dial soap.|||yea there might be dirt of something on it making it ich. Otherwise im not sure what it could be. u could try using an ich stick if u have one. I know u can buy them at most stores. theres also a few gells out there that i think are orriginally made for misquito bites. If its not worth it to go to the store try ice. that should work well.

Unusual Skin rashes after you had your baby???

Has anyone ever experienced unusual skin rashes after you had your baby? I have a weird rash on my arms and on my legs...It almost looks like ringworm but it hasn't spread to anyone else in my family. Any comments? I have an appointment to see my Doc today but thought I'd ask you guys and see if its just from hormones. Thanks a bunch!|||I had my first breakout after my first baby, then from then on it was when ever I had issues like stress and anxiety. It was recognized by my Doctor after I was tested for everything and it could not be explained, and I was sent to a psychiatrist. They put me on a med and it has totally stopped. The rash kind of looked like ring worm, or very large hives about the size of a quarter and bigger. Hurt or was very sore like a bruise...|||could be nerves.|||Not everyone gets these, but it seems to be hereditary in my family. My aunts get them, I got them and my mom had them. They go away within a few weeks, but yes, I have had them... I never went to the doctor though, maybe he can give you somethign to help them go faster :) good luck!|||Well hormones is obviously a consideration, but I think you are right to go to the doctor to make sure it isn't something else!|||well, I had ringworm as a kid, can't really recall what it looks like, but I did have a rash on my legs after pregnancy and a bit on my, uh, butt.

I went to the doc and found out it was a heat rash (started that way) and I had scratched it so much that it got inflammed from any bacteria on my hands, etc. I thought I was gonna come out of my skin from scratching.

I think it can be common due to the body changes, having a little one on you 24/7, etc.

Good luck.|||ew

Emu Oil and Skin Rashes?

I have recently started using emu oil for skin rashes and the results are good, the rash reduced within days and i continue to use now as an alternate treatment.

Has anyone else used it?

I first found out about it from a website on there info page

I am wondering now what other applications it can be used on??|||i`m from nova scotia and my boss started using it for the same thing..and it works great!! i would recommend it.

How do you protect your skin after you had Chickenpox rash?

I had chickenpox all over my body, what do i do to get my skin back to the way it use to be, my face really looks bad, any advice.|||tea tree oil heals skin pretty well... its 100% natural.. and pure.. so it's safe to use. it's also cheap, it can be found at natural medicine stores, or health stores, walgreens, etc..

i'd give it a shot. it does smell pretty strong.. but i use it on my face regularly for acne and you get used to it :)

Weird skin rashes, and bumps the past month?

about july 21 my neck was a bit itchy and when i scratched it i got a rash the size of a peach on my neck which took about 3 days to go away, then my collar bone was itchy and it turned into a rash but only for a few hours. I was outside tanning and i got a rashe on my leg and stomach but that went away 20 min after i got out of the sun. Then about a few days after that i got a rashes where my skin would rub up agaisnt eachother. and then yesterday i got 3 bumps that turned red, and are somewhat itchy on my upper leg and today i got another one by my knee. does anyone no what the hell this is!? i didnt use any new products, im not sure about laundry detergent, i went to get a pedicure but nothing is by my feet and that was after my first few rashes. i dont think anything bit me. any ideas? suggestions?|||Heat rash?? I got this a couple times the past month. It gets itchy and when you scratch it stings, bumps develop as well.. If that's what you've got put a cool compress on it (I slept with an icepack in a towel) It takes about 3 days to go away.

Why I have a migraine & a rash on my skin when I have my period?

I've alredy check my hormone, my prolactine is high.I have fatigue %26amp; overweight too.|||Well, I don't know WHY you have migraine. I simply can recommend you to go for a manual one-time treatment called Atlasprofilax to get rid of the problem altogether. The effect on the self-healing power of your body is simply amazing - own experience. :-)

At present, the treatment is available in California and Europe only, costing around 200 Dollars. Good luck!|||Read more on prolactine and causes of high prolactine. Sometimes the causes are small tumors in the brain that are not cancer. This can cause the migraines, I just fiound out myself as I was researching prolactine. Report It
|||It sounds hormonal.

The #1 hormone - because it can affect the production of all the other hormones - is insulin. Ask your doctor for a fasting insulin blood test . Ask for a copy of your results. 10 or higher is abnormal for an adult.

Your symptoms (all of them) could be related to low blood sugar. They sound quite like mine, the weight gain, the fatigue and the hormone imbalance. You may want to check out, and click on the symptoms link to check yourself out.|||hormone fluctuations can cause both

have you had your thyroid levels checked? Could be that.|||migraines are normal while you are having your period. But the rash is probably an allergic reaction or something caused by your pad or tampon.|||now every one is different so when having your period different people different things fatigue is normal and expected when having your period id suggest you take midol 4 that now i doubt theres anything you can do to stop your migraines and rashes from coming but find ways to make it less painful becuz your periods comin wether u like it or not and those problems are comin with it talk to your doctor and find sumthin u can use for your rashes and migrains so your prepaired every time they come good luck|||I don't know about a migraine but that rash might be a part of TSS if you're using tampons and keep them on for more than 3 might be that...I hope i helped =)|||I don't know about the rash, but I get migraines during my menstrual cycle, as well. They are so painful...I feel for you! But i think it's just one of those regular, but unfortunate menstrual side effects. You should see a doctor about the migraines....he might be able to prescribe something.

My symptoms are an itchy rash or itchy skin around the throat and chest and arms, and a sore throat...?

What do I have?|||Scarlet fever.

Scarlet fever is caused by an infection with group A streptococcus bacteria. The bacteria make a toxin (poison) that can cause the scarlet-colored rash from which this illness gets its name.

Not all streptococci bacteria make this toxin and not all kids are sensitive to it. Two kids in the same family may both have strep infections, but one child (who is sensitive to the toxin) may develop the rash of scarlet fever while the other may not.

Symptoms of Scarlet Fever

The rash is the most striking sign of scarlet fever. It usually begins looking like a bad sunburn with tiny bumps and it may itch. The rash usually appears first on the neck and face, often leaving a clear unaffected area around the mouth. It spreads to the chest and back, then to the rest of the body. In body creases, especially around the underarms and elbows, the rash forms classic red streaks. Areas of rash usually turn white when you press on them. By the sixth day of the infection the rash usually fades, but the affected skin may begin to peel.

Aside from the rash, there are usually other symptoms that help to confirm a diagnosis of scarlet fever, including a reddened sore throat, a fever above 101 degrees Fahrenheit (38.3 degrees Celsius), and swollen glands in the neck. The tonsils and back of the throat may be covered with a whitish coating, or appear red, swollen, and dotted with whitish or yellowish specks of pus. Early in the infection, the tongue may have a whitish or yellowish coating.

When scarlet fever occurs because of a throat infection, the fever typically stops within 3 to 5 days, and the sore throat passes soon afterward. The scarlet fever rash usually fades on the sixth day after sore throat symptoms began, but skin that was covered by rash may begin to peel. This peeling may last 10 days. With antibiotic treatment, the infection itself is usually cured with a 10-day course of antibiotics, but it may take a few weeks for tonsils and swollen glands to return to normal.

Treating Scarlet Fever

If your child has a rash and the doctor suspects scarlet fever, he or she will usually take a throat culture (a painless swab of throat secretions) to see if the bacteria grow in the laboratory. Once a strep infection is confirmed, the doctor will likely prescribe an antibiotic for your child to be taken for about 10 days.

You need to go to doctor for throat culture.|||call the doctor!!!|||That sounds very much like scarlet fever (which is essentially strep throat accompanied by an itchy rash). You should see a doctor.|||go to web MD or go to the dr, why ask people on here??|||scarlet fever! rosacea! go to the doc before you die!|||Look it up in a medical book or call the docter!|||Sounds like Flu to me,Take some Nurofen|||depends, i'd put my stakes on either strep throat or an allergic reaction|||If you have taken any medication lately or been exposed to something organic, or even eaten something like shellfish, you may be experiencing an allergic reaction. See your doctor!

What can happen if a rash on your skin starts to spread to your mouth?

It might be a simple allergic reaction, but it could be something worse. Instead of trusting strangers pretending to be physicians, I suggest you seek a personal consultation with a doctor. Your health is worth more than a wait and see attitude.|||It might not be a "rash" and you made need some serious medical testing done.|||where did it start. it could just be exma. maby you should see your GP|||you wont get any dates|||I would say that you need to seek to a doctor as soon as possible.|||Hope it goes away...or go to a doctor|||ummmm.......ghonnaherphacyphilidus?!?!?? ew....go to a dermatologist...PRONTO! until then, use antibiotic ointment!|||Go to the Dr.! DUH!|||get it checked out|||sounds like get to the Dr's..a.s.a.p.

Can a salesman be rash about selling skin ointments?

yes when you are not sure what you want to buy and you keep on asking him or her to show you some more|||You bet your sweet self they can........

Peace.|||Sure can,,,,,,,,just as long as he doesn't "RUB" you the wrong way !!

LOL !!|||yes they can!!!., at our shopping centre theres this stall set up in the middle and the guy sells body creams and crap,, and every person that walks past theyr like ''stop for a moment, try this cream, youll never find a better cream, come on mam''

blah blah blah, theyr so annoying,


I have a rash on my skin. It has been a year, and not on face or feet. It gets worse with heat and warm water.

It is itchy and has like small boils come up on hands and palms. IMy 2 children have it only minor, their's comes and goes..what could this be?|||It could be some sort of urticaria. There is numerous reasons that cause urticaria eg. sweating, foods, pressure, vibration, cold, heat, water, stress... Do you mean that you have this rash all over body except for face and feet? It could also be allergy to fabrics eg in clothing, or the washing detergent.

There is Dyshidrotic Dermatitis/Eczema also known as Pompholyx which is intensely itchy rash on the hands and feet:

Here some more great interesting links about urticarias:

Hope this helps you even a little!|||you should go to Dr =sounds worse than just minor

you all need something to heal this|||Probably a yeast overgrowth or candidasis, possibly an allergic reaction. For help go to

It is a natural way to help. A dermatologist is probably going to perscribe antibiotics or other medications that in the long run will only make it worse.

Good luck|||Go to the doctor. It's better to be safe then sorry|||Sounds like eczema. Find a good dermatologist and they will get you a prescription medication that should clear it right up.|||Sounds like it could be a fungal infection...a fungal infection can spread from person to person and maybe that why your children have it too.

I also sounds like it could be hives which is an allergic reaction to something. It comes up like itchy bumps and goes away.

I would try talking to your Doc...

I have a small rash on my skin. can it be staph infection?

its on my wrist. i have no other problems like joints or anything its jus that.|||Probably not, but it is always possible. Usually staph presents as an ulcerated sore.|||A staph infection is just that... an infection. It would look much like a dark red area on your skin, not really any bumps or anything just dark red. It can be warm to the touch too. if you notice red streaks going up your arm then you really need to go to your doctors or better yet, an urgent care or ER cause the streaking is signsof an infection spreading and is in some serious need of IV antibiotics.

When in doubt make an appt. at your local dermatologist and they can help you figure out whats going on.

Good luck|||A staph infection usually swells and spreads so I doubt it. However, if it doesn't go away it is always better to go get it checked out than leave it hoping it will go away on its own.|||It is possible but more likely a contact dermatitis. Sometimes we come in contact with a material, we may not even know what it was, and our body over reacts to it causing a rash. This type of rash is usually patchy little bumps and are itchy. Staph infections will cause a large reddened area with ulcerations in the skin or blistering of the skin. If you scratch this rash and it breaks the skin at all then you would be at a higher risk of getting a staph infection. We all carry staph on our skin all the time. It is only harmful when the skin has an open area for it to invade and also when you have a compromised immune system as seen in chronic diseases, elderly, cancer pateints, and children etc...|||Go to ( ) It has been helping alot of people. And Its all natural, and really works Great.

Why does scratching a rash makes the skin feel good temporary?

Gate pain management theory. Basically, the brain can only read so much stimulation at once. Itching is your body's lowest pain signal, by scratching you confuse your nerves (scratching is actually a step above itching on the pain scale) and your brain "ignores" the itch to focus on the sensation caused by scratching.

Can you get a rash from dry skin?


You may have Eczema. When it gets cold and dry outside your skin can get really dry.

This web site will help.

Or go to WebMD and type in your question and you'll get answers there as well.

Good luck and best wishes.

Amy D|||Yes you can get what looks like a rash from really dry chapped skin!! It can even get so bad that your hands may feel raw and lotions may burn a little!! But if that is all it is then a couple of days using a really good moisturizer will take care of it!! However there are many skin deseases that mimic severe dry skin such as excema and psoriasis!! If in doubt and moisturizing does not cure it - go to a doctor for a diagnosis!! We here cannot see it and many of us though well intentioned are not qualified to tell you what to do!! Do online research through google or yahoo for excema and psoriasis for free online information!! Most of the sites that come up will have pictures on it that you can compare it too!

Both conditions are treatable!! Good Luck!!|||Hi - if it's psoriasis or eczema try natural sunlight. UVB Phototherapy work well too. Check out this website

Hi; i got sever back rash from dry skin, what is good for dry skin or good remedy?

Well, for severe dry skin, I would recommend several things. One thing that you could do is to drink more water. Another thing that could work is lotion. You may want to stick with non-scented or lightly scented lotion until you get the dry skin under control because the perfume could aggravate your skin even more. I'd try anything from Vaseline or Nivea for very dry skin. Hope this helps! Feel better :)|||No problem! Report It
|||keri lotion has always been great for dry skin|||I have found using a Sorbolene Cream with 10% Glycerin and Vitamin E Moisturiser helps. This product can be used as a soap substitute

Pink rash/patches on skin esp. on face n neck?

been having this for last 4 yrs. dermie can't tell what's causing it but he prescribed Telfast or Zirtec, etc. sometimes even taking these are ineffectiv but he said to just continue take the medication to "chase it n not let it chase u". Sometimes patches simply break out, no itch at all but at other times there r welts n itchy until I apply a cream like Physiogel which is v effectiv. I suspec I cud b allergic to certain foods but haven't been successful in finding out the cause so far. Anyone had this problem, can help pls ....?|||Yeah, my Hubby has the same problem..Dermatologists have got no clue how to treat it, so they just keep prescribing those nasty creams...who wants to look all gross and greasy all the time? Funny, you never see them using that kind of stuff to treat themselves! Basically the only way to treat this is to take some kind of steroids, either through pills or shots. But you need to find a Doctor who is understanding to get them to prescribe you with it...Good luck %26amp; God bless!|||usually a good dermy would simply test for liver or kidney disease...when one or the other or both are ailing, rashes appear....and they don't always even have to be the same rash.

things to test for, kidney diseases and diseases of the liver, such as HCV, autoimmune hepatitis, fatty liver (NASH) Report It
|||Take allergy tests and they should be able to tell you, you will also be tested for foodstuffs and if they can't pin point which one is giving you the allergy, they'll make you stop taking some foodstuffs and slowly introduce them again to see which one is bothering you. You should really see a dermatologist and take the tests.

I have a rash or dry skin or something that is spreading over my upper body.?

First it was just on my left wrist, then it went away. Then it came on my elbow, and came back on my wrist (still left arm) now its on the side of my left arm pit and on the underside of my right fore arm. All in the last week or so. What can I do to stop the spreading?? It itches also. It looks like little bumps.|||Please go see a dermatologist. I suffered as you are for 10 months before going - boy was that dumb of me. It could be something as simple as a laundry detergent allergy to as severe as psoriasis, or whatever it is that I have that I can't spell, let alone pronounce. The more severe skin conditions can be controlled to some extent, and there is no need to suffer.|||did u recently change laundry detergent? if so that could be the cause. if not, go to the doctor, that is the only way to find out for sure what it is.|||I had something similar happen to me. It was on the back of

my legs. When I went to the doctor he said my follicles were

infected. He gave me a prescription for a wash to use daily

and a cream I applied two times a day. So check with your

doctor.|||Visit the skin rash page at the source below for info on many different types of skin rashes.|||Dry skin problems respond well to self-care measures, such as using moisturizers and avoiding long, hot showers and baths. If you have very dry and scaly skin, your doctor may recommend you use an over-the-counter cream that contains lactic acid or lactic acid and urea.

In a more serious skin disease, such as ichthyosis or psoriasis, your doctor may prescribe prescription creams and ointments or other treatments in addition to home care.

Dry skin leads to dermatitis, which causes red, itchy skin. In these cases, treatment may include hydrocortisone-containing lotions. If your skin cracks open, your doctor may prescribe wet dressings with mildly astringent properties to contract your skin and reduce secretions and prevent infection.

I believe will help you best for more advices, ideas and best treatments for any skin problem like dry skin.

I have this rash on my skin what is causing it and what is it called?

It is blotchy and brown. It is on my neck and a girl said she had it too, and a doctor prescribed some kind of cream for it. Any ideas?|||See a doctor yourself! How old are you? If your in school, see the nurse or do a logical thing like show your parent..But show someone!

Other than a rash, insect bite, dry skin or a wound that's healing, what causes our bodies to itch?

What causes our bodies itch? I have noticed that my scalp will itch, itch and itch ... even after I have been to the salon to get it shampooed and conditioned. Right after I take a bath or shower, my skin will sometimes itch for no reason. Sometimes I am at work all of the sudden my leg will start itching.|||Dry skin problems respond well to self-care measures, such as using moisturizers and avoiding long, hot showers and baths. If you have very dry and scaly skin, your doctor may recommend you use an over-the-counter cream that contains lactic acid or lactic acid and urea.

In a more serious skin diseases, such as ichthyosis or psoriasis, your doctor may prescribe prescription creams and ointments or other treatments in addition to home care.

Dry skin leads to dermatitis, which causes red, itchy skin. In these cases, treatment may include hydrocortisone-containing lotions. If your skin cracks open, your doctor may prescribe wet dressings with mildly astringent properties to contract your skin and reduce secretions and prevent infection.

I believe will help you best for more advices, ideas and best treatments for any skin problem like dry skin.|||Sunburn|||well your nose itches when someone is thinking about you. ;)|||food allergy

I have a rash on my skin that will not stop itching and have had bathroom issues recently...?

could this be caused by seafood, I recently ate crab two days in a row and it started and then tonight I had a little lobster on my pizza and now I can't stop the itching. I have little itchy hives on the inside of my arms, my hands, stomach, and my legs. I love seafood and shellfish and have never had a problem before. What do you think?|||Yes, it is the seafood. Take some will help...might need a couple to start. You should probably limit your seafood intake in the future. If your tongue and throat starts to swell, go to the emergency room for a shot.|||Becareful. I started out doing this and ended up in the hospital getting an IV for a severe allergic reaction. I had never had an reaction either and had seafood twice in one month. I had a reaction both times. I didn't realize the first reaction was caused by the crab I had eaten. The second reaction was really bad also but ended up in the ER both times.|||go to the dr. its a food allergy. best you can do is ice down the rash and take some immodium.

Please help, eczema type rash, rough red peeling skin on face, I'm so depressed?

This is awful. I burnt the hell out of my skin using retin-A. But it's only in one spot on my jaw/chin. It's rough, dry, stings, and is flakey. I tried to peel a little of it off, and now there is a mark where the peeled skin was and it is redder than the rest. I can't get my mind off of how GROSS and ugly it looks and feels. Will it scar? I had some left over elidel, so I applied that but I used it up and it didn't seem to do all that much. I applied now a mix of vaseline and cortisone cream. I need to go on with my life. Please tell me how to help this heal. I'll do anything. I feel absolutely the lowest I have felt in a long time. It's been a horrible week, and now this happens on top of it all. Please|||It will heal in time -- keeping the wound moist will prevent scarring, but there is no way to accelerate the healing process. You can prevent infection by applying an antibiotic cream to the face during the day, since it is less greasy than the ointment version. Use antibiotic ointment, since it is most moisturizing, at night. Using a hydrocortisone treatment will likely delay healing since it is a steroid, and those suppress immune function (which is how they reduce redness). Elidel will likely not help in this one spot, since it is essentially a chemical "burn".

Keep in mind this is only temporary -- it will subside. If your RetinA is too irritating, you need to step back in the frequency of your applications. To reduce sensitivity in the future, you can also return to the dermatologist and request a topical application called Nicomide-T. It's a topical anti-inflammatory which helps treat acne, and it also helps to reduce the redness and irritation caused by retinoids (like RetinA).|||The best thing you can do is to see a dermatologist. Or, you can put an antibiotic ointment on it, like neosporin. Then once it heals up a little, put vitamin E or vitamin A on it every day for a couple months. Otherwise you will have scarring. You poor thing, good luck....p.s. I would also wear a sun block as soon as it heals up some, if the sun hits it, you'll have even more scarring. I really would see a skin specialist.|||you can try using coca butter faithfully. I heard that EMU oil is

good for that too. You can check out the website . If that doesn't work maybe u need to go to

a dermatogolist for your skin.|||you could try calamine lotion , have you heard of it? its contains zinc oxide , and it calms your skin down , its used for insect bites rashes thing like that , but a lot of dermatologists are using it for a whole lot of skin conditions because it works so well in soothing the skin

If you can take say , two or three days off whatever you do , apply a generous amount to the area and just leave it there for the two days

, don't shower or bathe ,, just chill watch dvd' s what ever , relax and forget about it for the two days

you should really stop using and throw out the cortisone cream , that stuff is like a 5 minute quick fix and causes more problems to the skin in the long run.

Small rash like lumps, broken skin on my cat's face ... what could it be?

For the second time in thre months my two year old cat has developed a rash of small umps all over her 'face', especially around her eyes and eyebrows.

They are similar to blisters and seem to have 'broken', as several of them have formed small scabs which are rough to the touch.

They rash does not seem to trouble her.

She has a monthly dose of Revolution (like Frontline) for flease and other pests. She does go outside during the day, but has done so since she was a kitten and this is the first year this has happened.

The vet previously told us it is an allergy, and we had to give her cortisone tablets for weeks, which was a chore and which Ms Cat did NOT like. Also, surely it can't be good for her to take them all the time?

It's summer here now, so we have a couple more 'pollen' months, but I don't want her on tablets for months 0on end if it can be avoided.

I'm happy to take her to the vet, cost not the main thing, but want some info and advice on possible|||Please don't give your cat steroids as that is the second leading cause of diabetes in cats. TRhe firsy cause of diabetes and the probable cause of your cat's problems----dry fooods. Your vet is probably right about the allergy and dry foods have the most allergents in them. You want to pick a canned food with no corn and no gluten at the very least. If you are willing to go premium (and you may have to) you want foods with no grains at all which a carnivore doesn't need.Wellness and Merrick are a few of those available

Nutrition since there are so many bad things out there is very important to your cat’s health

Contrary to what you may have heard; dry foods are not a great thing to feed a cat.

Please read the label on what you are feeding? What are the ingredients? Do you know what they mean? Is the first ingrdiant a muscle meat like chicken or meal or other things?

Dry foods are the number 1 cause of diabetes in cats as well as being a huge contributing factor to kidney disease, obesity, crystals, u.t.i’s and a host of other problems. Food allergies are very common when feeding dry foods. Rashes, scabs behind the tail and on the chin are all symptoms

The problems associated with Dry food is that they are loaded with carbohydrates which many cats (carnivores) cannot process them. Also, Most of the moisture a cat needs is suppose to be in the food but in

Dry, 95% of it is zapped out of dry foods in the processing. Another thing, most use horrible ingredients and don't use a muscle meat as the primary ingredient and use vegetable based protein versus animal. Not good for an animal that has to eat meat to survive.

You want to pick a canned food w/o gravy (gravy=carbs) that uses a muscle meat as the first ingredient and doesn't have corn at least in the first 3 ingredients if at all. Fancy feast is a middle grade food with 9lives, friskies whiskas lower grade canned and wellness and merrick upper grade human quality foods. Also, dry food is not proven to be better for teeth. Does a hard pretzel clean your teeth or do pieces of it get stuck?

Please read about cat nutrition.|||There is nothing wrong with dry food and is probably healthier actually for your cat than wet IMO. Report It
|||As far as I know, Frontline is applied every 8 weeks, not every month, she may be getting too much.

It could be an allergy to plants; my cat used to get something similar. You do need a professional opinion, though.|||It sounds like fleas, but if you are giving her flea med it is probably not. It could be some other type of mite or something. It is also possible that your cat is getting into some real thick brush or brambles and actually scraping or puncturing her face with the pickers from the plants. I have had outdoor cats for years and it is always something new.

Your best bet is to take her to the vet if it does not clear up, but you could let it go for a few days and keep your eyes on it.

Good luck|||These sound like herpes sores. There is a feline version of herpes that normally affects the eyes. I don't know much about it, but I know that they can go blind if left untreated. Please get a second opinion from another vet.|||nothing wrong with prolonged exposure to cortisone pills.

but yeah sounds like a allergy so yeah take her to the vet

What is the Red Rash on my skin after drinking alcohol (my first time)? when will it disappear?

Well it was my first time to drink an alcohol... and I had a lot... when I woke up the next morning... ive noticed red rashes on my legs and in my arms...

It was my first time... please help... is this normal for a first timer? When will it disappear? will the rashes go to my face too?? please help... thanks|||I suspect that you are allergic to something in the mix, especially if you had a mixed drink that contained fruit in it. I've never heard of someone getting a rash from alcohol alone, so presumably one of the other components is causing a reaction. Without knowing what you drank, it's hard to be more specific, although I'd look toward things like strawberries or citrus fruit as the culprits, to start with.|||i'l be honest, i have never met anyone who came up in a rash after drinking alcohol. sounds to me like some sort of allergic reaction. i'd go to the doctors if i was u, straight away and they should be able to help. they mite be able to control it before it gets worse :) good luck x|||I have experienced seeing people having reaction to alcohol, yeah they do have reactions and it's in the form of red rashes. But it's usually just moments after drinking...My older brother experiences that whenever he drinks...his entire back is covered with red rashes usually after having a bottle or two. I guess your case is the same, maybe you just haven't notice it the night that you had your drink. It's normal actually, it some kind of allergic reaction especially from the fact that it's your first time.Usually it disappers after the alcohol leaves your body, try to drink more water and urinate often so that the alcohol will be excreted through your urine.

Watch out though if after two to three days that it don't disappear. Maybe you're having more than a blood reaction. If that is so, consult your physician so that you will be able to determine what is the real cause of those red rashes.

I'm presuming that you have drank beer or even pure alcohol meaning just one kind like vodka or tequila, but if you had cocktails then maybe you're allergic to the fruit or other ingredients that the cocktail contain.|||Most of the alcohol that the body takes in is broken down in a two step reaction.

Step one is the conversion of alcohol to acetaldehyde by an enzyme called alcohol dehydrogenase.

Step two is the conversion of acetaldehyde into acetic acid by an enzyme called aldehyde dehydrogenase.

Alcohol, of course, causes intoxication. Acetaldehyde causes red flushing, dizziness, nausea, headaches, and sometimes low blood pressure.

Some people have an overactive alcohol dehydrogenase and some people have an underactive acetaldehyde dehydrogenase - either condition leads to a buildup of acetaldehyde after drinking alcohol and it's the acetaldehyde that causes the flushing, etc.

If this is what's going on with you, it's likely to happen the next time you drink alcohol as well. Some folks with this condition find that they can take a small amount of alcohol without having a reaction - it all depends on their levels of enzyme activity.

Interestingly, there is a drug called disulfiram (Antabuse) which was developed to try to help people quit drinking. It interferes with aldehyde dehydrogenase and those when people take Antabuse and then drink, they end up with a LOT of acetaldehyde in their system which makes them quite sick. The idea is that this keeps them from drinking again in the future. The only trouble with the medication is that people catch on that if they stop taking the Antabuse, they can resume drinking without having a disulfiram reaction...

My boyfriend has had a cold for weeks and now he has a swollen face and red rash on his skin...?

he went to see the doc (this was before the rash but when he had a swollen face) who said he's just got the cold everyone has and gave him tablets for allergies...could it be something else tho? he also cant sleep at night...|||It may be a sinus infection and he may need a antibiotic with the swollen face.|||I have no idea as not a doctor- but sounds like the mumps i had- but only a vague possibility- get another opinion or go back to the doctor or go to a%26amp;e if it gets worse.|||Could be a sinus infection, this is something he should see the doctor again for esp. when combined with a rash. The rash could indicate a strep or staph infection which requires immediate antibiotics.|||sux for him...the medicine the doctor gave him well he might be allergic to it....idk im not a doctor....go try to see a different doctor|||I would get a second opinion|||your boyfriend is sniffing coke. next time he says hes going to the doctors insist on going in with him

For a few weeks my skin gets this weir rash it comes and goes for a few min. i get like little bumps?

also when i wear tight clothes i get the rash?? it itches and burns sometimes|||Have the same thing. Investigated everything from bugs to laundry soap. Finally decided that it is a mild form of hives.

From stress in my case. Now that I've stopped worrying about it, not so bad.

Do I have some sort of a skin disease or rash?

I have noticed in the last couple of months or so that there are parts on my face that are really dry. It started out as just on the sides of my mouth down my chin. Kinda like when you drool where the wet spots would be. I know, bad example. But that's all I can think of to describe the location. So I started putting lotion on it and it went away. Then it was on my forehead and that went away. Now it's in the outside corners of my eyes and around my eyebrows. What's going on? And ideas? It's kinda starting to creep me out....|||You should see a dermatologist.

You probably only need some sotra cream.

Good luck|||maybe u got ring worms|||it just sounds like dry skin go to your doctors they might be able to give you a cream to clear it up

A few months ago one of my cats started to get some sort of rash on her skin. There are little bumps .....?

(almost like pimple type bumps) in the area and her fur has fallen out in the area and has not grown back. We talked to someone at a local pet store and they recommended some high nutrient food so we did and it didn't really work at all.

Now just about a month ago my other cat started to get some of the same symptoms, but no where near as severe. It is just one little spot and most of his hair is still there. However it is somewhat rigid. And one small spot is gray (His hair is mostly brown). And when you pet or touch him in that area he goes kinda crazy. He lifts his head in the air and it looks like he is trying to bite the air(Kinda funny looking actually). And recently if I have my other arm near his head while I am doing this he will kinda sorta bite it.. He doesn't actually bite, but it's like he is chomping away w/o actually opening his jaws all the way so he doesn't bite. And tonight I was looking at his skin again and it is BLUE in that area!

Oh and on both cats this is loc|||Could be allergic to flea bites. I had a cat once that had this problem. There are some great flea protection products on the market now, maybe what you are using isn't doing the job.|||take her to the vet she is probbally having an allergic reaction to something in youe house. at the 2 times this happened what was the same(could be causing this)|||It could also be cat acne. It can be very painful and can get infected if it gets too bad.

The vet can give you something for it, plus an antibiotic just in case. This happened to my cat. I think it was an allergic reaction to a product I put on my carpet to clean it.

A little side note to the flea products that are on the market.

Be very careful with them. I tried a H. brand once and my cat had a reaction to it. I called my Vet and they said it can cause itching and stinging. And never use it on a kitten. There are horror stories about that stuff. If anyone is interested---PetShed (Australia) sells all the flea/tick products without a prescription. Cheaper than my Vet for sure. And it gets here quick. I have ordered from them for years.|||I had a cat, and a dog that did this, I thought it could have been mange, but it turned out that they were allergic to the sun......yes, the sun, but to make sure, you should take them to the vet....just to be safe.|||Take them to the vet, it could be an allergic reaction, ringworm, mange, or cat acne.

What do you put on skin that has a rash due to highchlorine in a pool?

red rash around the waist and in the bend of the knees|||Bacitracin or Triple Antibiotic Ointment. Use ointment after you wash with soap and water and thoroughly dry. This will protect the skin from irritants.|||Aloe makes it feel better but.... other than that- call your doc and ask.

What makes skin prone to diaper rash?

My daughter often gets bad diaper rash. I've tried every cream you can think of, including Bag Balm. Any advice or ideas why this happens so often??|||Probably a yeast infection. Try olive oil or coconut oil (yes, the foods). They both, especially the coconut oil, are antifungal. You might try making baby wipes instead of using store bought ones for a while. You can use Bounty napkins, a roll of Job Squad towels cut in half, or even reusable washclothes for this. Put them into a sturdy plastic box with a lid. Mix some Burt's Bees baby soap (shave a good amount in), coconut oil (3 Tbsp), and 2 cups of hot water together and pour over the napkins. Hope that helps!|||You could have problems with yeast. Have you tried Lotrimin? If it's yeast, the diaper rash creams could be fighting off her good bacteria needed to fight the bad.

I would try that and more "airing out" time.|||How old is your daughter? How long is she in a wet diaper? You might consider leaving the diaper off for a little while so she can "air dry." Make sure you are changing her often and she is not sitting in her urine. Is she drinking a lot of acidic juices?|||strong urine or alot of loose stools. also if they sit in a diaper to long like at night some skins are more sensitive to that. try putting baby corn starch on her to see if that helps. its sold with the baby powders. there is also one your dr. can perscribe that works well. good luck|||It could also be allergies to milk or the diapers. Those are the most common ones that causes diaper rash. Also may be soap or super sensitive skin. My youngest can only use pampers. My olderst could only have huggies. And my middle could only use loves and all three were intolerent to milk. A common rash is fungus or yeast. Lotramin will help or perscription from dr. Bring it to the dr's attention.|||My son has sensitive skin, and his diaper area gets extremely inflamed when he has a bowel movement following spaghetti, pizza, or anything with tomato sauce.

I tried all of the "rash" treatments for babies, but none of them had any affect. It wasn't really a rash as much as it looked like a chemical burn where his skin reacted to the acid from the tomatoes.

It is too hard to avoid tomato sauce since it is in all of his favorite foods. He doesn't have any other side affects - just his bottom after the bowel movement. So I got creative when he was crying yet again about his diaper area hurting. I found a burn relief gel with Lidocaine at Walmart and used a small amount on him. Within 10 minutes, he was playing normally - and even scooting around on his butt like it didn't hurt anymore. After 4 treatments, the "burn" was completely healed.

Please check with your doctor to find out if it is a rash, yeast infection, or something else entirely. Just keep listening to your instincts that something is wrong that a traditional "rash" cream hasn't helped.

Good luck.|||Quite often it's just being in a peed or dirty diaper for too long.

We used cloth diapers, and had no problems with diaper rash even when we went to disposables at 8 mos, because we were in the habit of changing often.

Did you try Penaten cream?|||Try a better diaper brand. My daughter is the same way she can only wear the expensive diapers or she will get a rash. change persistently. Let your daughters bottom air out as often as possible by leaving off her diaper for 20 min after each change also a quick wash off with water in the tub after each change helps sooooo much. I hope you solve the issues a rash can cause alot if irritation and irritability.

My baby has very dry skin and red rash all over face neck back and arms?

maybe its eczema try bathing your son/daughter with...

avenno baby...."soothing relief creamy wash" which gently clenses and soothes dry skin even dry skin from eczema...

after try putting the baby lotion also from avenno which cures eczema.

my baby brother had it for some time and this helped! try not to let him scratch it cause it may spread! i hope my info helped!

ps: im not saying he has eczema but it is very common! or go to your pedeatritian! =]|||possible eczema? Ask your pediatrician and they can tell you what to do.|||ask his doctor. it might be a disease called excema. but it might just be really dry skin that is irritated. call and ask the doctor they will be able to help you out.|||Sounds like eczema. My son still battles with it at 19 mos. But, you need to get him allergy tested! My son ended up being allergic to eggs and it was causing the rash, as well as other medical complications. Get him to the pediatrician and have them prescribe a hydocortizone, or even Elidel (a steroid cream) for the child. It is a miracle cream! Expensive, but well worth the childs skin and piece of mind when he is scratching. Make sure there are no allergies though... that is a biggie!|||may be allergic to bath soap, or laundry detergent|||Have you introduced a new cream or something to baby? When i tried the Johnson %26amp; Johnson Night-time lotion (with lavender) on my baby she broke out in a rash. I didn't use it again after that and she hasn't had it back. You're baby could just be having a reaction to something.|||hello i am a mother of 2 and my kids went through this and everyone says its a heat rash well everyone was wrong.. i took my kids to the doc and she said it was ezcema and she gave me a cream for it and it cleared it right up... so id say take ur baby to the ped. and they will prob. give u some cream for... until then try cortizone cream to help with the itching ...... dont let ur baby stay in the tub to long because that drys the skin to much also .... and use like a luke warm water not hot or to cold.... always moisterise ur babies skin with like baby magic lotion its he best i think never use fragrance or nething.....n i did this with my kids because they had little red bumps on them like not big ones but little ones where when u rubbed ur hands o them it felt kinda rough an bumpy u know what i mean newayz ... ur baby could also be havin a reaction to some kind of baby wash or something too that has also happened because sensitive skin runs in my family and i can use only certain lotions and cream washes and stuff so iono but a food reaction could do this also too because i have been through that with my kids and sweet potatoes good luck!|||It sounds like eczema. It is very uncomfortable, dry, itchy. However, if it is a rash I would take my little one to the doc. If it is severe they can prescribe ointment. I used to bathe my son in aveeno powder to alleviate the itchiness and redness. I also made sure that his skin was well moisturized throughout the day with Curel lotion.|||sounds like eczema. My son has it on his knees and feet and only gets major flareups during the winter time. What you may need to do is take him to a dermatologist that you know that is what we did. The dermatologist is a high school friend of my father-in-law and has treated him, my husband and much of my husband's side of the family and we took our son last year before he turned 1 and they gave him a steroid cream that cuts the outbreak time in half

My 3 month old baby boy has some kind of a rash on his skin. it started on his face and now it's every where.

the rash is very scaly and it's like in patches really red. very dry. i keep putting on ecurin cream, and baby oil. but it doesn't seem to help and my doctor doesn't know what it could be. i'am brest feeding, but i watch closly what i eat... please help me any one that might know what i should do. Thank you for your time.|||He is just starting to develop his own antibodies so it is possible he is allergic to something you are eating.

I have 3 boys and had to give up breastfeeding one because of allergies, but before you even think of that try eliminating certain foods from your diet one at a time and remember it takes time to get in you r milk and out so give it a few days before you say that's not it. Common allergies are milk, eggs, nuts. Hopefully it will be as simple as you eliminating something from your diet.

Another thing to look at is his bath soaps, laundry soaps, powder, wipes. Any disinfectants you use, air fresheners, pets and plants.

Keep a diary that tells when the rash is better and worse, what you had to eat, activities, and any changes in normal routine.

If that can't help you figure out the cause you might want to take him to a pediatric dermatologist or allergist.

my best to you.|||brilliant answer Report It
|||It could be the baby oil - I had to stop using it on my son as it brings him out in a pink spotty rash. Even the fragrance-free stuff does this.

Otherwise it might be eczema. I'd take him to see another doctor if I were you.

I have really itchy skin and no rash. Any clues on what is wrong?

I usually get pretty dried out in the winter but this is the worst its ever been. Also scratching leaves solid red marks which concerns me. Thanks for your help.|||Hi JimmyTHeburrito

Here are a few testimonials on healing the issue.


3/4/2007: Vinny ( from Atlanta, GA writes: "I have tried Apple Cider Vinegar and Tea Tree Oil. I find that Tea Tree Oil is best if placed first, and then about a few hrs later, the application of ACV should relieve it. Give it about 3 days, and there ought to be no itch. I love ACV!!!!"


2/25/2007: Deanna from Cincinnati, OH writes: "I have chronic itching. I have tried the "very expensive" prescription that my MD gave me, but my mother told me to try:

1 part tea tree oil,

2 parts olive oil

and dried oregano.

I spray it on and not only does it calm the burning and itching but it moisturizes my skin. I haven't had to use my expensive skin cream or take Benedryl in a long time."

More ideas here

Best of health to you|||As you get older it can get worse ..usually hot showers/ baths and winter make it worse for sure..try some lubriderm or neutrogena conc. hand cream..go to a derm if thats not helping|||hard water is most likely a partner w/the dry weather in causing the itch....if you can get one a water softener makes a HUGE difference, we've had one 3 years now and it also makes everything made w/water taste better, and plumbing (including water heater) will last longer too|||Dry skin is most common in your lower legs, arms, flanks (sides of the abdomen), and thighs. The symptoms most often associated with dry skin include:



Cracks in the skin

Dry skin is common. It happens more often in the winter when cold air outside and heated air inside cause low humidity. Forced-air furnaces make skin even drier.

The skin loses moisture and may crack and peel, or become irritated and inflamed. Bathing too frequently, especially with harsh soaps, may contribute to dry skin. Eczema may cause dry skin

It may help to change your bathing habits:

Keep baths or showers short.

Use warm (not hot) water.

Use as little soap as possible. Limit its use to face, armpits, and genitals if you can. Try mild cleansers like Aveeno or Cetaphil or mild soaps like Neutrogena or Dove.

Dry your skin thoroughly but gently -- pat, DON'T rub.

Take baths or showers less often.|||You could just have really dry skin. Try lotion obviously, but also don't take very hot showers and drink water to hydrate your body.|||You may be susceptible to eczema. However, as with all skin conditions, only a specialist can really determine the type of disorder you are suffering from.

During winter, many people tend to experience dry skin. So, moisturizing is key this period. However, not any kind of lotion will do. Avoid the use of those with fragrance or with synthetic chemicals.

More ways on what to do with dry and eczema skin can be found here

Can l'amactil tablets for epilepsy leave you a yeast rash on the skin?

on these tablets since i was 16years. now i am 24 and for the last 3years i have this yeast rash please help.|||I have epilepsy and have been taking it for a long time. It has been one of the safest that doesn't bother the liver so bad.

You can go to search and type it in and get a lot of info. If you have taken them this long and just now have the rash, then NO, that wouldn't be it. Check with Dr. Just type in Lamictal.

I take it twice a day and primidone (Mysoline) 3 times a day.|||well plz stop them they r not good for help meditation is best for ya|||Some info on lamictal skin rash is provided below.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Why does skin has sudden rash and itch and grows flesh everywhere?


I have a red circular spot on my arm and now on my abdomin.It looks like a rash-dry skin,does ne1 what it is?

its a size of a dime... its red and i just noticed i have one on my upper stomach...|||sounds like ringworm. You can get rid of it by using many over the counter ointments. One in particular is Blue Star ointment. If you can't find that just ask the pharmacist what can be used. Ringworm is a parasite that comes from animals but is contagious.|||Do they itch? Ask a dr. We couldn't tell u because we can't see it.|||could be you have cats?|||i have one of those on my shoulder, no idea what it is too|||I wouldn't worry about it not unless it is accompanied by a fever.You can see a doctor to be safe.My daddy always says go to sleep and if you wake up in the morning then it is probably nothing.I think that was because we didn't have medical insurance coming up.|||Sounds like ringworm, use some lotrimim or whatever you use for athlete's foot. Make sure you apply it everyday until it's gone.|||It sounds like ring worm. Take a small piece of duct tape and cover it do it for a few days. Keep it covered if it is ring worm and anything else that is alive it will smother it. son quickly developed a purplish rash under the skin around his mouth....?

any ideas what it could be %26amp; if I should be worried? I've heard meningitis looks like that but usually appears on the abdomen or back area. I've checked those areas %26amp; don't see any other signs of rash. This is not bumps but a weird almost bruise look around his mouth. We ate at a local restaurant we are very familiar with. He had the same thing he always gets so no new foods have been introduced. Any ideas what this could be? What should I do?|||wel make sure it isn't colored food first- like a sucker or lollipop-surf the internet to see what it could be..ifs it not bothering him then i wouldn't worry 2 much..but if it is bugging him call the doc..maybe u should call the doc anyway|||Its an allergic reaction to a food....what has he been eating?|||Seek medical attention as soon as possible so the rash cant spread that fast.|||might be serious, might not, just take him to the doctor ASAP!|||i had this ...

it was a reaction

it should go away

(did you go to a%26amp;w?)|||Call the doctor. Now.|||maybe it is a bruise?|||I'm no doctor, but it definitely sounds like an allergic reaction to me. Don't do anything- just take him to the doctor right away.|||It sounds like you should be consulting a doctor in person. Asking strangers on the internet is not a good substitute for actual medical advisory, and there is no way even a doctor could diagnose it online.|||I'd take the poor boy to a doctor IMMEDIATELY. I loved how you put URGENT at the beginning of your question. Sweetie, that's what doctors are for not yahoo answers. Now get off your butt and take your son to a doctor URGENTLY you horrible mother!|||Take him to the E.R. NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!|||you can troubleshoot his symptoms on but i would call the doc asap|||I would suggest taking him into urgent care just to be on the safe side.

Here is what I found on the web;

A purple or blue-purple skin color can result from various colors. Purple skin coloring is sometimes described as blueness or redness, and some conditions causing purple coloring may also be listed under blueness, cyanosis, redness, hyperpigmentation, or dark skin. Another cause of purple skin color may be bruising and other conditions may be listed under bruising or dark skin. Any type of purple skin or skin color changes can be symptoms of serious disease and need prompt professional medical investigation. (Source: WD Writers)|||if his airway gets blocked you will be in trouble. call your doctor, it is probably an allergic reaction. give him an antihistamine (hayfever) tablet. but tell your doctor what you have done now.|||it's urgent and you're on yahoo answers? you should be talking to a doctor.|||It would have been much faster and more practical to drive, take a cab or a bus to the local walk in or E.R. than sit infront of the computer while the kid swells!

As I re read the question, and the thumbsdown given.....

TROLL ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...|||I've never heard of this before, but you should definitely take him to teh doctor, and he may prescribe an ointment that will cure it at the snap of a finger.

Itchy blister-like rash all over the body and patches of red skin - what could this be?

I am freaking out right now. Earlier today my neck got very red and was very itchy. I assumed it was just a bunch of mosquito bites - there are many mosquitos in my area and I usually get bit, so I didn't think this was anything different; however, as the day progressed I noticed that my skin started to get red in huge blotches and just on my arm it looks like I have 100s of blisters/rash. It then got on my face, but after a few hours passed. Now this rash has moved onto my lower body and is on my legs, and still on my hands. I will call myself an ambulance in the morning, but I'm not going to bother now because the hospitals in my area don't have enough docs at nighttime and I will be forced to wait there till morning anyway. I'm trying to remain calm but this rash is unlike I've ever seen - I've never had anything remotely similar to this and it is freaking me out - not to mention it itches like there's no tomorrow. I would like to know what this could possibly be and how serious.|||It sounds like Shingles. Sadly it started when you couldn't have gotten to the doctor's because they could have prescribed you a medicine right away for it, to slow down the process. It's very painful and annoying. Whatever you do, don't scratch..Hospital emergency rooms are useless and will make you wait forever, no matter what time of the day. i would cal your doctor the minute he opens and have him get you in asap.

Count your lucky stars if it isn't shingles. It may be a food allergy. Write down everything you ate the day/night you discovered it.

Good Luck.|||How did you write all that when itchy and scratchy? Well done! It's either a serious allergy or the chicken pocks. (did I write that correctly?) Hurry to the hospital because you need medical care!

I have a red circular spot on my arm and now on my abdomin.It looks like a rash-dry skin,does ne1 what it is?

Sounds like Ringworm to me. Really easy to get from pets, like cats ect ect.

Also really easy to get rid of with an anti-fungal cream you can buy at any drug store!

Look up ringworm online %26amp; compare pictures %26amp; you may have your culprit!|||Perhaps eczema? Try Aquarius cream or E45 - if it doesn't improve you probably need to go to the Drs.|||Sounds like ring-worm. Better have it checked.|||That sounds a lot like a ring worm.have your GP look at it.|||It could be any of a dozen things, but if it is a ring as opposed to a solid area, one possibilty is that you were bitten by a deer tick. The "bullseye" rash is a sign of Lyme disease. If that's what you have, go to a doctor ASAP. Lyme is usually easily treatable when you get it early, but can cause serious problems, even death, if it is left untreated.

But if the rash is a solid circle rather than a ring, it may be some sort of allergic reaction to food, or clothing, or something else you come in contact with, or it might be another kind of bug bite, or it could be a symptom of some internal diseases. Only a doctor can give you a real diagnosis. Don't rely on answers from th wackos you may encounter here.

Good luck!!|||You could look it up on, it has a symptom checker. Their could be many reasons why you would get red spots on your body, some are itchy (usually hives) some are not, many are affiliated with diseases and virus

What is "oak tree" in indonesian? and anyone know about "poison oak"? is it some kind of (red) rash on skin?

oak tree= pohon ek (pohon=tree)

I've never heard about poison oak.

Skin question maybe rash and pictures!!!?

they dont itch or irratate me but they freak me out!! please help? what is it?? do you think i need to go to get it checked? im 17. if the pic dont work tell me|||See a doctor could be a allergic reaction.|||i had a rash like that. it just appeared one day and it was really sore.

i found out it was stress.i just used some cream and it cleared up after i finished my exams.|||From the look of the picture as I am not a doctor it looks like you have hives! Think if you have eaten anything lately that might have caused this. such as chocolate, nuts, eggs, tomatoes, strawberries, cherries. you will have to go to the doctor or ER and get a steroid shot and get some bennadryl as well. hopefully this will help and good luck to you!

Can leather cause a rash on your skin?

Since I started my new job, I spend most of my day sitting in an office chair, which happens to be leather. I've noticed a rash appearing on my butt lately and I'm just curious if that could be the case. Any ideas?|||Unless you are sitting in the chair with your butt bare, it should not be an allergy to leather itself. Cleaning products can be volatile enough to go through clothing though. I'd suggest buying or making a seat cover of some kind - maybe fleece or a foam pad with a removable washable cover. Don't leave it on the chair overnight or it might get "cleaned" with the same stuff that's bothering you to begin with. You could even try one of those funky elastic covers meant for toilet seats - anything that can be removed easily and washed regularly to rid it of any chemical buildup.|||I purchased a leather string for a necklace. I developed a bad rash around my neck. I had found from my doctor that some chemicals are used to cure leather prior to using for various products. You may be allergic to that chemical as well. I had to use a steroid cream for the rash to go away. . Report It
|||its probally something used to clean the leather like what the cleaning staff uses. get some wetones and clean the durface if it stops then it was a cleaning product|||Sounds like you have heat rash, in babys they call it diaper rash, try using the oitments they make for that, you should find them in the infant isle.

Is it a rash, infection, or skin disease? WHAT is it?!?

Since the day i came back form a trip from mexico my whole body has been itching. no bumps or anything has appeared but it itches a lot for no reason. is it jus bed bugs or is it an infeciton or a skin disease?|||Did you take your own water?|||Well ........

you probly have pioson ivy|||its just a reaction of your body against some allergy, take some allergy medications .|||take some benadryl for the itch, and maybe do a parasite cleanse, you can get the stuff from herbal places or health food places... you need to drink lots of water and clean out your body.....|||no redness? add more info..|||you must at least take a bath at least 2 times a day

drink lots of water and try to consult to your doc.|||If it were bug bites, I should think you'd see some evidence on your skin. Since there is no change in the appearance of your skin, it may just be dryness. Try using a good moisturizing soap and lotion.

Did you get sunburned? Sometimes sun exposure can dry your skin and make it feel itchy.

Or have you used a different than usual product in your laundry since you returned? If so, go back to the old products.|||It you tanned quite a bit and also spent lots of time swimming (possible in cholorinated pools), it could be that your skin is dried out. Drink lots of water and put lotion (perfume free) on the areas that itch the most.

If any sort of rash or bumps do start to appear...go see a doctor right away.

Is it a rash? or a skin disease?

ive had this rash looking thing on my face for about 2 months now.

i know its not an allergy problem because its been on my face for so long.

its around my eyes, and the mouth.

i do not wear any makeup on those areas, and i do not apply any other type of facial cream on my face.

the doctor had just said it's because of the weather,

i live in an area around Toronto, so i guess it got pretty cold.

my diet is the same.

should i go to a diffferent doctor? my dad mentioned something like it looks like a disease, like an iopy. (he has an accent so thats what it sounds like)

oh i forgot to mention, it dosnt hurt, it dosnt feel like anything, the texture is a little rough, and its red bunched up together.|||Try some extra moisturizing cream something like Eucerin. It may be due to the weather, give the Eucerin a chance to work, if it doesn't then get another opinion|||AHHH I have the same thing on my legs!! I used Eucerin cream and it started to clear up. Mine was caused by the wicked cold weather, almost like chapped lips but worse|||most skin rashes are caused by undiagnosed food allergies, typically to wheat or soy. Try keeping a food diary to see if it gets worse within a day or two of eating wheat (in bread, cake, cookies, crackers, etc) Also, try eliminating wheat and soy for a few days to see if it improves.|||herpies by the mouth..or in the mouth|||I couldnt help but read your post and think to myself that I was right where you were 6 months and seems like 1000 wrinkles ago.

I went through the exact same thing. I tried various products and did tons of research online before I found Oil of Olay was basically giving their product away for free.

All I had to do was answer a few auestions, They are a well known national name brand for facial and skin care, everyone knows Oil of Olay.

And I am telling you this Oil of Olay Regenerist works and it made a believer out of me.

I posted the link below for you to click and check out. This stuff works and believe me - for a few minutes of your time and no cost to you, you owe it to yourself to try and all you would lose is a few minutes of your time!

Good Luck and keep the faith, you will get younger looking skin with this product and this stuff helped me achieve my dreams as well!

Your Friend,


I have a rash on my skin, what could it be?

it starts off like some terrible mosquito bite or something, at different spots, especially my legs.

Itches a lot..

Then as it subsides in 2-3 days, it's like a red patch on the skin.

What could this be...

This time around, some of it subsided, but i got a new one at my armpit.

This is not the first time this is happening..

Any clue.. would be appreciated. God bless u.|||It could be an allergy, insect bites (bed bugs?), eczema, atopic dermatitis, or a viral or bacterial infection or even rarer conditions. No way to tell without seeing a doctor. Please see a doctor. Most rashes are not serious and respond to minimal or no treatment, but no way to tell without seeing a doc.|||hi sounds like poison ivy or impetago

get yourself to a Dr or clinic to gat antibiotics to cure it

I have a rash in my skin in my arm,its been there for more than 6 months,tried using skin creams,no effect?

the rash has been treated by dermatolgist but no effect,ihave used antifungal cream and antibiotics.the doctor says that it is sun rays effect, how can i get cured from this, i stay indoors most of the day.recently i started feeling itchy when i apply anitbiotic creams.|||Sounds like eczema from what you've described. All you need is a tube of eucerine cream on your skin which works very well. It may not be getting better if you stay in the sun too long or shower for long periods. Try to stay out the sun as much as you can and also take very short showers with warm not hot water.|||I would try a different dermatologist. They should have been able to diagnose this better by now. Good luck!

~personal experience~|||Well, since we don't know what your rash looks like, this is a tough one to answer, but when I had a mysterious rash on my elbow once the pharmacist said to use a combo of 1/2 Eucerine and 1/2 hydrocortisone, and it cleared up within just a few days when nothing else had worked. Otherwise, see a another dermatologist.|||go to a skin specialist|||You should take a warm shower not too hot and wash your body down with a liquid soap called phisoderm which can be bought over the counter (no prescription necessary).

As I said wash your self all over with that soap. But DO NOT rub the liquid soap under your arm pits or if the rash is on your arms do not rub soap there with your hands. In other words where ever the rash is do not rub soap directly on it with your hands. The soap will just irritate your rash on the skin. Your arm or arm pits will get cleaned in general by the effect of the sopa while you are in the shower.

After your ashower dry yourself off but do not rub the rash area with the towel as this will irritate the rash just pat dry it with the towel. Wait a few minutes until you are totally dry and apply "corn starch" on the affected area where the rash is.

Just a box of plain corn starch from the supermarket shelf. Not corn starch powder with medication in it nor a medicated body powder found in the health and beauty aids section of the drugstore. IN other words just PLAIN OLD CORN STARCH which is used for cookig.

The corn starch is a natural remedy for irritated skin. Apply the corn starch in the same way that a person would put on powder after taking a "shower."

Years ago when my uncle had had a skin rash when he was a kid and had to go into the hospital they gave him corn starch baths and then applied corn starch on his rash and he was cured of his rash. I use corn starch instead of powder and it keeps the skin on my arms and legs healthy and dry.

After doing that for several days then the rash should clear up. When the rash is cleared up about 2 or 3 times a week you should take a fresh lemon into the shower with you and sprinkle some lemon over you with the shower water running over you after you have rinsed yourself completely of the soap that you use when washing in the shower. The lemon is a natural anti-bacterial agent and it will help to keep your skin healthy. Just remember to use it only about 2 or 3 times a week no more than that. This is because lemon is acidic and too often and some people can get irritated skin if done every day.

Also try not to use a cream on a rash as a rash is similiar to getting a sunburn on the skin. In other words the skin is hot and irritated where the rash is just like the sjkin is hot after a sunburn and applying a creame to the skin is like putting butter on a hot frying pan. You can hear the butter sizzle on the frying pan. The irritated skin by a rash is similiar to a hot frying pan.

Thank you for reading this and I wish you the best of success.

Also corn starch is safer than powder as there is no medicated ingredients like they put into talcum powder form the bottle of powder. Therefore there is less chance to irritate the skin.|||Make a paste of fresh ginger and apply on your rashes for 3 to 5 days and it will vanish.Also if possible eat ginger achaar with your meals.Ginger is natural skin healer.|||be very careful, it might be the deadly disease immidiately skin biopsy and also all the blood tests.i warn you i have suffered enough of this disease and i too tried the same as you did, but do as i say not consider any herbal or natural medicine, it will only increase, i warn you for you life, because if you leave this like that the disease will bad and you will suffer.but i find that you are in the first few sympomic stages of go to a hematologist now.|||an urad base scrub will do