Friday, August 20, 2010 son quickly developed a purplish rash under the skin around his mouth....?

any ideas what it could be %26amp; if I should be worried? I've heard meningitis looks like that but usually appears on the abdomen or back area. I've checked those areas %26amp; don't see any other signs of rash. This is not bumps but a weird almost bruise look around his mouth. We ate at a local restaurant we are very familiar with. He had the same thing he always gets so no new foods have been introduced. Any ideas what this could be? What should I do?|||wel make sure it isn't colored food first- like a sucker or lollipop-surf the internet to see what it could be..ifs it not bothering him then i wouldn't worry 2 much..but if it is bugging him call the doc..maybe u should call the doc anyway|||Its an allergic reaction to a food....what has he been eating?|||Seek medical attention as soon as possible so the rash cant spread that fast.|||might be serious, might not, just take him to the doctor ASAP!|||i had this ...

it was a reaction

it should go away

(did you go to a%26amp;w?)|||Call the doctor. Now.|||maybe it is a bruise?|||I'm no doctor, but it definitely sounds like an allergic reaction to me. Don't do anything- just take him to the doctor right away.|||It sounds like you should be consulting a doctor in person. Asking strangers on the internet is not a good substitute for actual medical advisory, and there is no way even a doctor could diagnose it online.|||I'd take the poor boy to a doctor IMMEDIATELY. I loved how you put URGENT at the beginning of your question. Sweetie, that's what doctors are for not yahoo answers. Now get off your butt and take your son to a doctor URGENTLY you horrible mother!|||Take him to the E.R. NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!|||you can troubleshoot his symptoms on but i would call the doc asap|||I would suggest taking him into urgent care just to be on the safe side.

Here is what I found on the web;

A purple or blue-purple skin color can result from various colors. Purple skin coloring is sometimes described as blueness or redness, and some conditions causing purple coloring may also be listed under blueness, cyanosis, redness, hyperpigmentation, or dark skin. Another cause of purple skin color may be bruising and other conditions may be listed under bruising or dark skin. Any type of purple skin or skin color changes can be symptoms of serious disease and need prompt professional medical investigation. (Source: WD Writers)|||if his airway gets blocked you will be in trouble. call your doctor, it is probably an allergic reaction. give him an antihistamine (hayfever) tablet. but tell your doctor what you have done now.|||it's urgent and you're on yahoo answers? you should be talking to a doctor.|||It would have been much faster and more practical to drive, take a cab or a bus to the local walk in or E.R. than sit infront of the computer while the kid swells!

As I re read the question, and the thumbsdown given.....

TROLL ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...|||I've never heard of this before, but you should definitely take him to teh doctor, and he may prescribe an ointment that will cure it at the snap of a finger.

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