My six month old baby has severe chapped skin on her cheeks and neck.I have tried Eucerine , Vaseline and Johnson's lotion and none of the above has helped at all.
The skin has become so red and rough that I am begining to wonder if it really is dry skin or something else.
The doctor says apply Vaseline but as I mentioned it did not help one bit.
Can anybody please suggest something.
I am sure its not any kind of allergy as I havent given her anything different or new to eat nor have I used any new baby products on her.
Please advice.
Thanks|||My 6 month old son had what sounds exactly like this just 2 weeks ago. He had it for about a month and it kept getting worse and more red and sore looking even though I tried Aquaphor, Eucerin, and many other lotions. His pedi finally recommended Cetaphil lotion, which I just happen to use on my own face. I started applying it every morning and night, and within 3 days his cheeks were cleared up! Worth a try, I think. I hope it helps your baby too!|||babies are so hard aren't they!! lol maybe exzema???? you would think that it would have gotten a little better by now. if your doctor doesn't investigate it further i would suggest finding a new one|||She may be allergic to what your doctor is prescribing her. You can by baby some hydrocortizone. Or go to a different doctor and get advice.|||You forgot one thing. May be your child having problem with Vaselene and other products. Try Milk cream. Its natural and consult a good skin doctor. Breast feeding is the best medicine to all problems and a perfect nourishment to a child.
Take care of the baby
From|||Is she teething? My little one got very red cheeks and chin whenever she was cutting a tooth. Sudocrem was very efficient at clearing that up.|||We had good luck with a stick gerber makes, looks like a big fat gluestick.|||Since the products you mentioned have not helped, if I were you my step would be to schedule a pediatric dermatology appointment for my child. Especially for a young baby, the rash has got to be uncomfortable. I wouldn't accept any more suggestions from your doctor by phone. I would insist on a doctor's appointment to have this problem treated.
They don't stay babies for very long. It just seems like you can blink and they're starting kindergarten already! You don't want this short, special time to be marred by a skin problem. I hope you can get the treatment for your baby that clears this problem up.|||Could be eczema.. have you tried off-the-counter hydrocortizone? Also you may just not have applied enough of the lotion/cream. My baby had very bad eczema, to the point he scratches it bleeds, and the whole cheek looked raw. His doc said apply the lotion all the time. The trick is to make the lotion a barrier between skin and anything else (like drool, food). Also, it could be allergy. Just because she wasn't allergic before doesn't mean she isn't now. Also if it stays raw for a few days, there could be an infection. I used Eucerin cream (not lotion, but CREME), and Aquaphor (Aquaphor seems to stay on better, and easier to apply, my doc said lotion is just not enough).
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