My mom has really itchy skin. She has had this problem for a little while. She cannot go to sleep. It is red bumps, and it is over her entire body. It is not exzema, because I have that, and I know what it looks like. Is there anything that will give her some relief? She took an itch medicine, benadryl, and she has been putting on diaper rash ointment. ANY HELP?|||mayb its a allergie get some claratin|||perhaps it is time to seek prfessional help. see your dr. rashes can be caused by anything from scabies (mites) to allergies.|||Itching can be caused by insect bites like mosquito bites, heat rashes or allergic reactions. Aloe vera gel , apple cider vinegar or vitamin E oil can be effectively used on the affected skin. More cheap and natural remedies for itching at|||is your mom under a lot of stress? i have this and is caused by stress, is under control now and i rarely have a sore spot on me , but i take "hydroxezine", dr prescribed, for it and it works wonders. have your mom duscuss with dr about taking this and i bet it helps.|||You seem to have tried many things already, I think it's time you visit the doctor and see what they say. You don't want your mom to keep suffering.|||Allergies or not, why not try bath salts. Bath salts, dead sea salts in particular, can help remedy common skin disorders. If none of the suggestions here have helped improve your mom's condition or if you have already tried all of them, go see a doctor immediately before it gets serious. Also, be careful on what product to use to avoid making it worse.
To learn more about dead sea salts, read the articles found here:
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