the rash has been treated by dermatolgist but no effect,ihave used antifungal cream and antibiotics.the doctor says that it is sun rays effect, how can i get cured from this, i stay indoors most of the day.recently i started feeling itchy when i apply anitbiotic creams.|||Sounds like eczema from what you've described. All you need is a tube of eucerine cream on your skin which works very well. It may not be getting better if you stay in the sun too long or shower for long periods. Try to stay out the sun as much as you can and also take very short showers with warm not hot water.|||I would try a different dermatologist. They should have been able to diagnose this better by now. Good luck!
~personal experience~|||Well, since we don't know what your rash looks like, this is a tough one to answer, but when I had a mysterious rash on my elbow once the pharmacist said to use a combo of 1/2 Eucerine and 1/2 hydrocortisone, and it cleared up within just a few days when nothing else had worked. Otherwise, see a another dermatologist.|||go to a skin specialist|||You should take a warm shower not too hot and wash your body down with a liquid soap called phisoderm which can be bought over the counter (no prescription necessary).
As I said wash your self all over with that soap. But DO NOT rub the liquid soap under your arm pits or if the rash is on your arms do not rub soap there with your hands. In other words where ever the rash is do not rub soap directly on it with your hands. The soap will just irritate your rash on the skin. Your arm or arm pits will get cleaned in general by the effect of the sopa while you are in the shower.
After your ashower dry yourself off but do not rub the rash area with the towel as this will irritate the rash just pat dry it with the towel. Wait a few minutes until you are totally dry and apply "corn starch" on the affected area where the rash is.
Just a box of plain corn starch from the supermarket shelf. Not corn starch powder with medication in it nor a medicated body powder found in the health and beauty aids section of the drugstore. IN other words just PLAIN OLD CORN STARCH which is used for cookig.
The corn starch is a natural remedy for irritated skin. Apply the corn starch in the same way that a person would put on powder after taking a "shower."
Years ago when my uncle had had a skin rash when he was a kid and had to go into the hospital they gave him corn starch baths and then applied corn starch on his rash and he was cured of his rash. I use corn starch instead of powder and it keeps the skin on my arms and legs healthy and dry.
After doing that for several days then the rash should clear up. When the rash is cleared up about 2 or 3 times a week you should take a fresh lemon into the shower with you and sprinkle some lemon over you with the shower water running over you after you have rinsed yourself completely of the soap that you use when washing in the shower. The lemon is a natural anti-bacterial agent and it will help to keep your skin healthy. Just remember to use it only about 2 or 3 times a week no more than that. This is because lemon is acidic and too often and some people can get irritated skin if done every day.
Also try not to use a cream on a rash as a rash is similiar to getting a sunburn on the skin. In other words the skin is hot and irritated where the rash is just like the sjkin is hot after a sunburn and applying a creame to the skin is like putting butter on a hot frying pan. You can hear the butter sizzle on the frying pan. The irritated skin by a rash is similiar to a hot frying pan.
Thank you for reading this and I wish you the best of success.
Also corn starch is safer than powder as there is no medicated ingredients like they put into talcum powder form the bottle of powder. Therefore there is less chance to irritate the skin.|||Make a paste of fresh ginger and apply on your rashes for 3 to 5 days and it will vanish.Also if possible eat ginger achaar with your meals.Ginger is natural skin healer.|||be very careful, it might be the deadly disease immidiately skin biopsy and also all the blood tests.i warn you i have suffered enough of this disease and i too tried the same as you did, but do as i say not consider any herbal or natural medicine, it will only increase, i warn you for you life, because if you leave this like that the disease will bad and you will suffer.but i find that you are in the first few sympomic stages of go to a hematologist now.|||an urad base scrub will do
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