Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Rash and skin peeling on palm of my hands... help!?

A week ago, I started to get tiny white spots of dry skin on my palms. I have been washing dishes a lot, but this has never happened to me. The tiny white spots then would open and my skin would start to peel revealing redness and super dry rough patches all over my palm. I even got a few on the back of my hand. Any idea's of what this could be? I don't have health insurance, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Also, I use baby oil after I get out of the shower, and I recently used it when it had no cap because I couldn't find it.. so I'm thinking maybe some bacteria went inside the baby oil... could this be making my hand worse? I included some pictures to show exactly what I am talking about:




http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f215/j...|||It appears that you have Contact Dermatitis. Do an "Image search" and "photos of contact dermatitis on hands" and you will see photos that look just like yours.

Even though you wash dishes a lot and this has never happened before it may be the cause. You can use products throughout your whole life and then one day, wham, you have an allergic reaction to them.

Do a search on "symptoms of contact dermatitis" and "alternative treatment for contact dermatitis" and read through some of the sites so you can understand this condition and see what choices you may have.

Some of the alternative treatments would include Burdock Root taken as a tea or tincture. This minimizes inflammation and boosts the immune system.

Calendula is a natural antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent. It is applied topically as a lotion, ointment, or an oil to the affected area. Check your local health food store or a vitamin %26amp; supplement store.

Aloe soothes skin irritation. Apply topically to the affected area.

Don't use baby oil. It won't help the dermatitis.|||one word... blisters...|||i found some links for u to see.


http://www.wrongdiagnosis.com/sym/peelin...|||its because your hands are becoming to dry do to the dishes. my suggestion, go get some jergans ulta healing lotion, and apply it in generous ammounts on both sides of your hands, and if you have to put some thin cloth gloves on. it will help seal in the moisture!|||Likely an allergic reaction to a new product. Consider the following recent purchases:

- bath or hand soap

- dish soap

- shampoo

- skin care products

- hair products

- hair coloring

- perm product

- latex gloves

Any of the above CAN cause an allergic reaction. Use a mild soap to wash your hands, rinse thoroughly and DRY them thoroughly. Apply a few drops of TEA TREE OIL to your hands and rub it in well. Your condition should clear up in a day or two IF you eliminate the product that caused the reaction in the first place.

Sometimes, if hands are in hot, soapy water repetetively or for long periods of time, you can get the reaction you described. You DID say that you have been doing dishes alot lately.

You might not be able to determine the cause, but the tea tree oil WILL calm the condition down.

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