maybe its eczema try bathing your son/daughter with...
avenno baby...."soothing relief creamy wash" which gently clenses and soothes dry skin even dry skin from eczema...
after try putting the baby lotion also from avenno which cures eczema.
my baby brother had it for some time and this helped! try not to let him scratch it cause it may spread! i hope my info helped!
ps: im not saying he has eczema but it is very common! or go to your pedeatritian! =]|||possible eczema? Ask your pediatrician and they can tell you what to do.|||ask his doctor. it might be a disease called excema. but it might just be really dry skin that is irritated. call and ask the doctor they will be able to help you out.|||Sounds like eczema. My son still battles with it at 19 mos. But, you need to get him allergy tested! My son ended up being allergic to eggs and it was causing the rash, as well as other medical complications. Get him to the pediatrician and have them prescribe a hydocortizone, or even Elidel (a steroid cream) for the child. It is a miracle cream! Expensive, but well worth the childs skin and piece of mind when he is scratching. Make sure there are no allergies though... that is a biggie!|||may be allergic to bath soap, or laundry detergent|||Have you introduced a new cream or something to baby? When i tried the Johnson %26amp; Johnson Night-time lotion (with lavender) on my baby she broke out in a rash. I didn't use it again after that and she hasn't had it back. You're baby could just be having a reaction to something.|||hello i am a mother of 2 and my kids went through this and everyone says its a heat rash well everyone was wrong.. i took my kids to the doc and she said it was ezcema and she gave me a cream for it and it cleared it right up... so id say take ur baby to the ped. and they will prob. give u some cream for... until then try cortizone cream to help with the itching ...... dont let ur baby stay in the tub to long because that drys the skin to much also .... and use like a luke warm water not hot or to cold.... always moisterise ur babies skin with like baby magic lotion its he best i think never use fragrance or nething.....n i did this with my kids because they had little red bumps on them like not big ones but little ones where when u rubbed ur hands o them it felt kinda rough an bumpy u know what i mean newayz ... ur baby could also be havin a reaction to some kind of baby wash or something too that has also happened because sensitive skin runs in my family and i can use only certain lotions and cream washes and stuff so iono but a food reaction could do this also too because i have been through that with my kids and sweet potatoes good luck!|||It sounds like eczema. It is very uncomfortable, dry, itchy. However, if it is a rash I would take my little one to the doc. If it is severe they can prescribe ointment. I used to bathe my son in aveeno powder to alleviate the itchiness and redness. I also made sure that his skin was well moisturized throughout the day with Curel lotion.|||sounds like eczema. My son has it on his knees and feet and only gets major flareups during the winter time. What you may need to do is take him to a dermatologist that you know that is what we did. The dermatologist is a high school friend of my father-in-law and has treated him, my husband and much of my husband's side of the family and we took our son last year before he turned 1 and they gave him a steroid cream that cuts the outbreak time in half
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