Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Red rash-like skin marks on my 10 month old son's skin....?

My son is 10 months old and over the last couple days has developed a "rash-like" marking on his calves.... but its not a rash, just kind of looks like one. Could he be allergic to something and only break out on his legs? What else could this be?? Its like a red peppering on his legs.......|||it could be a rash due to heat, or an irritation from practically anything! since babies' skins are soooo sensitive, those marks might have been caused by anything.

or like adult skin when we like sleep on a desk and we use our arms to support our heads...notice the pink marks? that might be it.

but still, do go see professional opinoins regarding this.|||que que puro spaƱol|||Well just to be sure take him to his doctor if it does not go away by Monday %26amp; you can check out webmd rashes %26amp; look at photos if it looks like something you see there call his doctor|||Hey there,I think you should bring him to the skin doctor just in case.But I just saw in TV yesterday that he might be allergic to cow's milk.Are you still breastfeeding him or have you given him formula milk?Because they say these symptoms maybe allergic reaction to cow's milk.They also say it might be because of allergy to fish,but I doubt 10 months old eat fishes.It could also be eczema,or chicken pox(did he get immunised?).If he has fever and coughing,please please bring him to the doctor yeah!!Hope he recovers from it soon.|||It could be heat rash.. which can be caused by over-dressing, or dryness in the skin due to high heat/dry heat in the house (less humidity in the winter!) If it doesnt go away after a bath and a change of clothes.. its most likely not a heat rash though. Hives/allergic skin reactions can be localized.. so it is possible he is allergic to something. Best to check with his doctor just to be sure!|||you should definitely take him to the doctor just in case. But I would not worry too much. My ten month old also develops rashes every now and then. Usually his are on his hands and feet. I was just in the process of eliminating things to see if I can find whats causing it. Finally turned out to be my DRYER sheets... My first son always broke out on his stomach and it took forever but finally realized it was the Johnsons and Johnsons lavender bed time lotion I was putting on him. Though I rub it all over him the rash only appeared on his stomach. I only say that to forewarn you that sometimes even the "baby" items can be the cause of the problem! Try to see if there is anything new you are using and change it first. But wait a week before changing anything else, because it can take that long for the rash to go away. Best of luck~~|||it is either eczema , heat rash or the products you are using on his skin, renewall gel will help with his rash and for products that wont harm his skin try the neways range, the baby products are being re designed cause they had no preservatives in them and they were going off to quickly but there are other products there available like the bubble bath and the barrier cream, if you want to check out the gel go to


and the neways products


i hope this helps :).

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