My little boy is just a little over a year now and for about the last two months he had this circle really dry, scaly, patch on his chin, under his mouth. I have been putting lotion on it and someone told me to try neosporin (sp.?). The neosporin seemed to help a little, but it is still there. And now it seems he might be getting a little patch under his nose. Any suggestions? My mother-n-law thought it might be invetago (sp.?) but it isn't oozing or nothing, it is just a dry patch of skin. Thanks for your help!|||He really should see a pediatrician. It could be a number of things, including impetigo, ringworm, or eczema. Good luck, and I hope you figure out what's going on.
eczema|||It sounds like it could be a fungal infection to me, like ringworm. Try an over-the-counter antifungal cream for athlete's foot and ringworm.|||Is it a perfectly round circle? My husband and son actually had a perfect circle rash and it had tiny red dots in it, my husband said his itched, but my son is 8mos old so I couldn't tell if his did, and they finally crusted over and went away. Still no idea what it was.|||It's a ringworm (not a worm but a fungus) an anti-fungal creme will clear it up in a couple of weeks. poor kid OH! I almost forgot. Try putting Head %26amp; Shoulders shampoo on it (just enough to cover it, don't glop it on) and then let it dry. This works! Try the shampoo first. good luck!!!!|||ehhh...could it be ring worm?|||sounds like ringworm...get some anti-fungal med over the counter (tinactin) put it on there several times a day|||Ring worm... you can just use an anti fungal cream... he will be fine...|||fungal infection ringworm.|||any pets around?? cause it could be ringworm get the boy checked and, check any pets cause they suffer also.. take care|||my son had something like like once everyone said it was ringworm even his doctor ,nothing they gave me help it took going to a dermotologist to find out it was just something he was alergic to they gave him some cream and it cleared up in a couple days you never know could be something as simple as this check to see if it has bubbles inside
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