Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Why does english bulldog lose hair in some places looks like a skin rash is it?

If it's red, sounds like your bully has demodex - a form of mange.

However, demodex (demodoctic mange) isn't contagious to other dogs or humans like black mange is.

You need to take your doggie to the vet so that they can do a skin scrape and look for the mites under a microscope (demodex is caused by a mite that lives at the base of the hair shaft - most dogs have the mite, but it doesn't develop into demodex unless the dogs immune system is supressed for some reason. A rabies shot or entering a heat cycle are just a few causes.).

There is a possibility that you bully has a food allergy, or an allergy to fleas or dust mites. These aren't as common for that breed as demodex is, but can't be ruled out.

If it is demodex, you'll have 2 choices to treat it - either a dip, or Ivomectin (the active ingredient in Heartguard). The dip is quick, but it is a pesticide that has some nasty side effects and potential. The Ivomectin is a little more gentle, plus you don't have to do your regular heartworm treatment at this same time, but it will take 6 weeks of gradually increasing doses.

The choice will be yours, but definitely go see your vet. Any skin irritation that causes your doggie to lose hair can manifest into an infection, and can cause your bully some discomfort.|||Mange|||Probably food allergies. See your vet.|||you should go to a vet for the ultimate answer, but one possibly is mange. mange is a small parasite that infects the dogs skin. loss of hair is a major sympton. the treatment is usually an expensive and tedious dip for the dog. you have to have your dog wear one of those collars so he doesn't lick himself. my advice, get to a vet asap.|||allergies or mange.. see your vet please!!!|||How old is the dog it may be a very common mite infestation called Demodex. Both my bully breeds had it. You can get skin scrapings at the vet to know for sure. This is also referred to as Puppy Mange or Stress Mange. The vet will give you a prescription for a series of Ivomectin that should be gradually increased over a 12 week period to kill the little mites living under the skin.|||usually its food allergies

avoid SOY, WHEAT, CORN, BEEF, and PORK - even in the treats...

have a vet look at the rash - it could be lice or something else.|||My grama's old english had that problem to. it is a skin alergy , you should probably bring him/her to the vet. it is very treatable.|||I actually have a red nose pit and she has the same problem. It could be mange, but I doubt it. I took my dog to the vet and I was told that it was skin allergies. Short hair dogs also pick up staff infections easily from grass. My vet gave me three different medications that I had to give my dog for 30 days and the problem went away and her coat grew back better then before. I must warn you that this will happen every year around spring. Good Luck!|||English bulldogs have very sensitive skin I have one that is 7 years old and if she gets too hot she starts breaking out on her stomach with little red bumps but if I fill up her little kiddie pool and let her in it too cool down then they go away within about an hour so what I would do is really pay attention to what things have changed and as far as the weather, food bath soap etc. etc. and if it doesn't go away then take him to the vet.|||I've seen that problem in one of my dogs. It turned out he was allergic to fleas...lol....so now he's on flea preventative and happy

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