As it goes through the day, the very dry skin on his face (cheeks %26amp; chin) gets really red and worse as the day goes on. I don't think it's a rash-- We've consistantly put lotion on his face and it's not helping. We think it's from wiping his face with a washcloth after eating and/or him rubbing his face on the carpet %26amp; us. Has anyone experience this? Do your kids' faces get red by the end of the day from cleaning the food off of them? Any ideas on how to clear it up?
Please, no "go to the DR" comments.|||my son would get a red scaley rash on his forhead around his eyebrows aroudn his nose and mostly on his cheeks when he was younger. I usually put aquaphor on it and it went away. (in the baby aisle with the creams, its seals in the moisture that regular lotion cannot. Lotion never works on my son, he either gets a bigger rash or it stays the same. it might have been Exzema but i am not sure. i also found out that he has sensitive skin like me. Sometimes by just kissing his face it turns bright red and when he eats anything he gets ared pimpley rash around his face.
Also I usually have to use sensitive baby wipes without the alchohol or fragrance. Maybe it is the detergent in the cloth that you wipe him with. I also wouldn't wipe his face I would blot as to not disturbe or hurt his sensitive skin. Also I wash all his clothes in deft or All free and clear without any fabric softener, when he is on the ground put a blanket that you washed in deft and see what happens.
I also learned what my sons skin was sensitive to by takeing something away and seeing if he still has the same reaction.
Good luck and usually it goes away as they get older and build up their immune systems.|||Eczema probably. My children had this during hte winter also. They outgrew it by age 2, but it was a little bothersome when they had it. They had it on their cheeks and a few little spots on their backs. The doc gave them a perscription cream to put on it. You may want to have a pharmacist look at it at your local pharmacy and see if there is something that they recommend.|||Probably eczema. Try an OTC remedy.|||Stop with the lotion. Try a hydrocortisone cream. My son had a problem like this a while ago and that's what a doctor told us.|||He could also have exzema. Its really dry skin that doesn't go away unless medicated.
Try looking at this link and see if it describes your baby!
Good luck|||My daughter had very dry skin and was born with it. She has exema and as she got older she just kinda grew out of it. It was always worse in the winter time. If he has skin that is really dry you might have to take him to the drs to get a special cream like I had to with my daughter. Shes 8 and doesnt break out as much but still have very sensitive skin and gets her clothes washed in dreft and still uses baby soap so she doesnt break out|||First off you may be making it worse by putting lotion make sure if u do it is unscented and hypoallergenic....that is probably Eczema, a skin allergy. And don't use anything scented on his or her skin. My two youngest have it and it can cause your baby to develop emphatigo. And usually when kids have eczema it means they may have some kind of food allergy too like lactose intollerant or something in that nature.|||starts out fine in the morning? using a washcloth? ...could be several things..... detergent, use ivory soap. to wash everything that will touch him.....your heater, get a for fixin the carpet....get vinegar in a spray bottle, spray you carpet, to lift any residue left from cleaning, or anything else. powders that you put down to smell pretty..... try those first...|||My boys' faces got red and chapped during the winter. I would definitely use lotion on it. My pediatrician recommended Vanicream.|||Why do you specify "no 'go to the DR' comments"? You are concerned with the health of your baby but instead of consulting a professional you are relying on folks on Yahoo answers who are probably not trained and even if they were, certainly do not have enough information from your short description to make any valid recommendation. Surely you could at least call the advise nurse at your pediatricians office.|||It sounds like a slight form of rosacia or ecsema.
As an adult I have it on my knuckles a bit. And it is BAD in the winter. I use a mild steroid creme on mine. But not sure the doctor would want you using that on a baby.
Betamethazone .1% (was not real effective for me)
DESOXIMETASONE CREAM 0.25% (that stuff whips mine out very effective)
Stuff that has any perfume/dye etc is often irritating. There is a soap also Cetafil I think that is good for the condition.|||Sounds like eczema but if you says it not then maybe he is allergic to something your bathing him with or using to wash clothes . Have you tried putting some vaseline on the area?If you think its from cleaning food off his face try putting a good moisturizer like Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion works great for dry skin put it on his face after every time you wash it it will keep it moist and not get dried out.I use it after I put my hands in water which is alot I have 2 kids seems like I'm always washing something. It won't burn his skin like other moisturizers I have eczema that's what i use it for it works wonders.Good Luck :)|||Doctors will tell you that it is Atopic Dermatitis. This is a general term that includes most skin irritations, rashes, etc.
If it doesn't itch, it is NOT eczema which is defined as the itch that rashes.
Does your son suck on a pacifier. Because he is getting older, he could be slobbering more and the extra saliva could be irritating his face. Wash all of his pacifiers and sterilize them weekly at a minimum. Try to wash his face with water after eating, drinking, and sucking on a pacifier. And put lotion on his face as much as he'll let you. California Baby has a great cream that will help this. I dab it on when my daughter is napping.|||i was just at the dr. yesterday and mentioned this problem to daughter is the same...he said if using lotion make sure there is no alcohol in the lotion as this dries out the skin...he says to use your favorite hand cream...says it is probably from the winter is best not to give to many baths (at most every second day) and best time to rub on the lotion is after a bath when you have towel dried, but baby is still damp...traps in the moisture...good luck!|||my 9 month old son has the same thing. his is from drooling b/c he is teething. also does he suck on a passie? if so that might not let air to his skin. TRUST ME: GO BUY AQUIFER! ITS LIKE VASELINE, RUB IT IN AND IT WORKS, IT COMES IN A LITTLE TUB WITH A BLUE LID. GOOD FOR YOU TOO!!! (WALMART)|||Hey the GODHEAD is the trinity Godhead three in one father spirit son it does not say trinity no where in the bible but it does say GODHEAD which is the trinity. Not sure you knew what godhead was when you said godhead vrs trinity in your answer to mormon comments. Otherwise i am glad you saw thru the lies of the mormon cult and what a shame so many are brainwashed by them God Bless you!
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